Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 9, 2010

The end of the big war.

Today's Tids Issue 2,192
Opening Stuff:

Happy VJ Day everybody! as you may know, RI is the only state that celebrates VJ Day as a full fledged holiday. You just have to know that this celebration makes a lot of people in this just named "Most Liberal States in America" really, really mad.

It's hard to argue that a perfect American home would have a flag waving from a pole next to the front door, and the wash waving from a clothesline in the back yard.

The total amount of oil spilled in this largest spill ever was 200 Million gallons. That is the amount the US consumes every...6 hours! Think about that for a moment. Let's see, if we started raising herds of dinosaurs now, in about a million years or so we might start replenishing our reserves again.

I will never be tempted to attend an edible mushroom workshop.

The Question: Give me 5 myths about fitness. Clue: One of them isn't Gravy is bad for your health.

The Headlines:
--1,000 Chinese Missing As Massive Floods Rise.
--North Korea Fires Artillery At Sea Border; Tensions High.
--Wall Street Rising; Positive Comments From Fed About Adding Liquidity Fuels Enthusiasm.
--House Members Scurrying Back to Pass Jobs Bill.
--BP Nearly Ready For Final Plug.
--On Of The Murdering Arizona Escaped Prisoners Captured In Wyoming.
--Nation Mourns Murdered Afghan Medical Givers.
--Berkshire Hathaway Profits Down 40%; Derivative Value Decline Destructive.

Back to More Stuff:

Lets hear it for Patricia Neal. She was immense as an actress. But her finest award was for her amazing fight against brain cancer. She died last night at 84.

You probably have seen that news items where two overwrought public officials decided to clamp down on a 7 year old's lemonade stand because she didn't have a license. In fact, the two lunkheads fined this latest trustee of a significant American entrepreneurial tradition -- $500. I see this is as a great example of what happens when there are too many public employees enforcing too many laws that were never necessary in the first place. Vote them all out -- Federal, State, Local -- in November.

When I was a kid I was fined five cents each time I said "Ain't". When you consider that my entire earnings for a week through an allowance was 25 Cents. you can imagine the pain. If that happened today, the kids would call ACLU! Well, I still say ain't and I don't eat peas. And, they way Wall Street is treating my savings, 25 Cents is still a big number to me.

If you don't think public employee unions are out of control, just take a gander at what the Teachers Union for Milwaukee is trying to suck out taxpayer's wallets. This town which has been fighting big deficits has laid off 392 teachers. There's just not enough money. Period. But in their wisdom, the Union is not trying to save jobs with there new negotiations. Nope. They are demanding that the city spend nearly a million more to pay for Viagra, Cialis, Levitra et. al.! That is the cost of saving 24 teacher's jobs. Actually with the passage of the latest "Jobs" bill, it may enable the Union o get that extra dough. Now, that is a stimulus package. Has the world gone mad.

You just have to know that there are a bunch of habitual whiners who hated the day the oil spill was plugged. And they really hate the fact that destruction of the ocean floor so far seems quite minuscule.

I'd never want to be accused of profiling...but, any time I see a picture in a crime story of guy with long stringy, dirty hair, mustache and beard, I say Guilty as charged. And, if I see one hitchhiking, I stomp on the pedal and check the rear view mirror!

Through the same Eyes: Chapter 88 continues. --"Henry, there's a car following me. You know that cars coming up behind me make me nervous." Why do I make little jokes when it isn't a funny situation.
"Where are you Sar?" He sounded concerned.
"I'm deep up the Whitaker's driveway. I saw a guy in an ordinary looking Chevy come out from behind Marie's I thought I saw him looking at me. I stayed calm, but when I got out onto the road I stomped on the accelerator, and turned up the first driveway beyond the curve.
"That's good Sar. What color is ordinary?
I smiled. good ole' Henry. "Green. Dark green. I watched him drive slowly by heading north towards you end of town."
"Stay where you are. I'll get back to you."
He wasn't jolly old cool and collected Henry any more. But I liked who he was. "What do I do if the Whitaker's come home?"
There was a long pause, like that was the stupidest question ever asked. And then..."Smile at them."
He hung up. I pulled my car further around the back of the house. It was a beautiful back acre or so. maybe I should organize a garden tour.
I decided to call Paul, but he beat me to it. Before I could paint a picture of a damsel in distress, he blurted" Sally O has been let go. She is with me now."
"What?" I can only think of stupid questions right now. She wants the three of us to get together where nobody is watching.
I briefly explained my situation.
"Holy shit!" was all Paul was capable of saying. "I'll call back. Stay right where you are."
I already am. I thought.

How many times have you heard a politician say to an ex Military man, "Thanks for your service!". How about some day saying that to an old Ad Man or woman. With the the Ad biz, The huge economy the US has enjoyed over the years is clearly the the result of the work of ad people. Creating markets. Exaggerating need. Creating jealousies and envy among citizens who thought they were happy with what they had. And how about tht politician...and all other politicians. The people would have seen them for what they really are. Shallow and self centered. Yeah I'm proud to have fought the advertising wars as a young man. Without me this country would have been nothing.

Seriously, people throughout the nation should be thanked for their service to the country. Great countries don't just happen. They are the sum total of all the people working diligently at what they do best. Plugging leaks, filing files, singing songs, healing the sick, saying prayers, making decisions...and yes getting out the information through ads.

I guess the Dems are having a little trouble with the PayGo Deficit reduction plan they pushed through last January. Apparently some Senate Republicans are learning that the Dems view of "PayGo" is: The people Pay more taxes and they go crazy with spending.

I have to smile at the image of congress people "scurrying"! They don't scurry much unless there's money to be spent frivolously.

The Answer: The Myths: 1. Walking is not as good as running. 2. Exercise increases hunger. 3. It doesn't matter where your calories come from. 4. Diet alone is enough for sustained weight loss. 5. There is no best time for exercise. (In case you are interested, it is better to exercise in the late afternoon.)

The Beginning...of a new grand week.
It is Monday and I'm have a wonderful day. Hope you all are.

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