Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 23, 2010

History is what historians make of it.

Today's Tids Issue 2,203
Opening Stuff:

Today we enter the last week of the carefree days of summer. The family focus turns n from sandcastles to back to school hassles. Kids see fading images of beaches and merging ones of teachers. Yup, this is last minute details week in America.

There many complaints about the lyrics of today’s songs. I wouldn’t know because I don’t listen to today’s song’s, much less the lyrics. But this weekend, lyrics of a well known song popped up in large print and I read them carefully. They’re pretty good I thought. Here they are: “A long, long time ago / I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. / And, I knew if I had my chance, I could make those people dance, and maybe they’d be happy for a while. / But February made shiver with every paper I’d deliver / Bad news on the doorstep – I couldn’t take one more step. / I remember how I cried when I read about his widowed bride, / Something touched me deep inside, the day the music died.” Kinda gets to you doesn’t it.

Some authors should use in their promos: “Quick, easy read…Skip entire paragraphs, even chapters and not miss a thing.” Actually, it particularly true of famous writers. You know the kind; Where their name is three times larger than the title of the book.

The Question:
The “Mod Squad” isn’t so mod anymore. Clarence Williams just turned 71 while Michael Cole turned 65 in July. And yes, the ever youthful Peggy Lipton joins her fellow pre-baby boomer co-stars and is now how old? Pure and uncomplicated appearing Peggy came from an upper income family where she was sexually abused had many famous boy friends. Name six. Who was her first husband?

The Headlines:
--Iran Inaugurates First Iran Built Unmanned Bomber Calling It The “Ambassador Of death.”; Bomber Action Coincides With Start-up Of first Nuke facility.
--Floods Drive Out 250,000 Chinese As Rains Batter Country.
--Tourists Warned To Watch Out For Hungry Bears In Yellowstone.
--“Weird” Illness Damages Muscles of 19 Oregon High School Football Players After Precatice; Doctors Perplexed.
--Wall Street Expected To Open Higher.

Back to More Stuff:
Did you hear about the attack if the rampaging babies? It was the Crawl of the Wild!

A psychological researcher says that CEO’s who lie about (Exaggerate) quarterly performances never say “Er”, “Uh” or other hesitation utterances. It’s probably because they have rehearsed their misleading data. So if you don’t hear ers or uhs, be prepared for a restatement of earnings. Probably with ers or uhs. On the other hand, Politicians use ers and uhs even when they are lying because they can’t remember how they lied about a position an earlier statement.

And then there’s Harvard’s Marc Hauzer, a well know moralist and psychology professor who was found misrepresenting data from his research to alter the findings probably to support his preconceived opinions. Consequently, all of his theories about monkeys as conversationalists and communicators will probably have to be reevaluated…if anybody cares. The importance of this is that there is a new research report on something every day, and how many can you believe when often they take on opposing sides?

A local columnist commenting on the Roger Clements indictment reminds us of the difference between “in” and “to”. It’s ok to lie in Congress but not so good to lie to Congress. But then there is the bigger question – How would congress know?

When you sift through all of the rhetoric, the PelosiPalozza Health Care package is just one giant, new government regulation.

Personally, I don’t get salsa. But then I’m one of those people who still prefers dinner plates with divider compartments so foods don’t touch.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 90 continues. –“Well Henry, I started, “We know that the company in its entirety is also a major potential benefactor of the conspiracy. As are certain suppliers,” I looked at Paul, “and of course the financial backers!” I smiled.
“You know Sarah, You may be on to something about those financial rascals!” His eyes lit up. Everybody laughed. But I think eyes were opening around this table as the prospects for an even broad conspiracy took shape. And we know the FBI has been talking to us at HR&L. Or, am I somehow trying to take the light off of Kent.
“I think we should stir up some excitement. After all, I am still in charge of the bulk of BiEm’s money.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Bill.
“Hi Boss,” came is jovial answer. But no banter as usual.
“How’s the mood around there? Is the FBI nosing around today?” What have you heard?”
“Good. No. A little,” came the cryptic reply.
“Not very talkative this morning, Bill. Or was that Hi Boss a warning to somebody in the room”.
“Still as sharp as ever, eh boss.” I heard some mumbling in the background. Then a long silence. “.” Sorry about that, Jack was here.”
“Jack, why wouldn’t you talk in front of Jack?”
“I don’t talk in front of anybody these days…except you Boss. Except you.”

If the state employs the same people in the spanking new, glistening DMV building, has anything really changed?

I only have one thing to say about the passing of Bobby Thompson, the nice guy who crushed the spirit of Brooklyn Dodger fans for decades: They never should have taken out Newk!

You have to wonder about a correlation between Bloomberg’s assault on traditional yummy, fattening foods and the rise of a bedbug infestation in the Apple. Could it be that veggie sweat attracts unwanted pests…like bedbugs and PETA?

The Answer:
Peggy Lipton will be 64 August 30. As is the case with many sexually abused children, Lipton in her early career was fairly promiscuous. And after she became famous, dated many big stars including Paul McCartney, Sammy davis Jr., Elvis Presley, Lou Adler, Terrance Stamp (And brother Christopher) and musician Keith Moon. Finally she married Quincy Jones and had two children Kidada and Rashida.

There is nothing like a blustery day att he Ocean. Yum!

Don McClean has helped keep alive a memory of a singer who I barely knew existed, much less listened to.

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