Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gin or chocolate.

Today's Tids Issue 2,194
Opening Stuff:

One of my favorite all time songs is “The Big Rock Candy Mountain.” Not only did put stars in the eyes of kid who loved sweets, but was a great country western tune. And I was then and am today a big fan of the pluckers and twangers.

I had to laugh when reading the bios of principals at a financial planner firm I saw that one of the younger people had come directly from the Mashantucket-Pequot Gambling Casino. How appropriate is that?

And this note from the Tids resident statistician: “If you stood next to a single file line of everyone in china, and they started to walk by you at a reasonable walking pace, the line would never end because of their rate of reproduction.” So you have to know that China is deadly serious about becoming the worlds largest economy.

The Question: Who was the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Name 5 other Chairmen. (Hint Harry S. named number one). Which two Presidents haven’t named any? How many each did the other 10 presidents since Harry name?

The Headlines:
--WWF’s Linda McMahon Leads Group Of Washington Outsiders Who Won Primaries Last Night.
--Stocks Retreating As Fed Goes Conservative On Growth Estimates; China Reports Smaller Manufacturing Gains.
--US Trade Deficit Widened By Huge 18.8% In June.
--11 Killed North Of Baghdad.
--Muslim Holy Time Of Ramadan Begins This Week.
--Ice Island ff Greenland Could Be Major Shipping Hazard.
--Fires In Russia And Mudslides In China Overwhelm Populations.
--Record Low Mortgage rates Have Little Effect On Home Sales.
--SB Champs Saints Practicing With Pats In Foxboro.

Back to More Stuff:

What all of these new government programs are proving fairly conclusively is that good companies that used to work very well are now looking very inefficient as they act as middlemen for government programs. Simply…Things used to work and now they don’t. And if things keep on going the weay they are, nothing will work.

OK, let’s call it what it really is. The “Jobs” bill is in reality the “Public Employee’s Union Bill. And, it is the latest in a series of moves where 0-Man and his congressional henchmen pay back the big campaign investment from the Unions. This presidency is all about the unions, pure and simple.

I saw a story in the newspaper expressing amazement at the new and rapidly expanding collection of spy, conspiracy shows and movies. Did these geniuses ever stop for a moment to think that there are millions of apoplectic, depressed ex-“24” fans huddled in dark corners hungering for a glimpse of anything that might resemble Jack and Chloe in action?

Are you starting to get the idea that Separation of Church and State is not operative when dealing with Muslims? I am.
Poetry Department:
You’ve got to love this from a 15 year old student in Arizona: Now I sit me down in school, Where praying is against the rule, For this great nation under God, Finds mention of Him very odd. // If scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow, Becomes a Federal matter now. // Our hair can be purple, orange, green, That’s no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. // For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all.. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. // We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks... They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. // We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King. It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong, We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.. // We can get our condoms and birth controls, Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.. But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, No word of God must reach this crowd. // It's scary here I must confess, When chaos reigns the school's a mess. So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take!

Is Levi Johnson on track to become the next Kim Kardashian?

When making your favorite Quiche it is always a good idea to bake your crust before pouring in ingredients.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 89 continues. –I nodded to the security guy as I walked into the house where they were keeping Laura. “She’s upstairs”, he offered as he barely looked away from “The Price is Right”. Looking at a slug like that made me wonder what I had really gotten myself into.
I didn’t understand my feelings as I got involved in a scheme that I could rationalize scientifically, but not in terms of human life. And I knew Isabelle was driven, but not heartless.
Laura made me feel good, but I didn’t particularly like her. I opened the door and she sprang up from the bed where she was lying and stormed towards me. Her fist slammed my chest, and my arms came up to grasp her upper arms. “Where the hell have you been? Out with the old woman?”
“Laura, Laura, my love…”
“Don’t you give me that ‘Love Me’ crap”, she screamed. Just get me out of here.” And then surprisingly she laid her head on my chest and felt the heaving of sobs. I didn’t know what to say. I just lifted up her head and looked into her tearing eyes. Eyes that were reddened well beyond her current emotions. This stone hearted woman had something else in side her. I kissed her. And she responded.
After a few moments, I was getting aroused. She would be dragging me over to the bed.
“Not now”, I whispered reluctantly. Two times in the last two hours I’m saying not now. “Look, we have to get you out of here without calling attention to your absence.
“You’re getting me out of here?” She sounded like a little girl. Maybe form a childhood she never had. Was Laura always an adult? She hugged me harder, but it wasn’t sexual anymore. It was something she may have never experienced.

The new "jobs" bill is the latest bailout that will encourage bad budgeting and and general all around irrationality. Just as the first bailout ensures a continuation of destructive risk taking on Wall Street, this latest dole will justify inefficient management of government and education.

I loved that Big Rock Candy Mountain because I envisioned lakes of chocolate, lemonade streams and peppermint trees. In actuality, the composer Harry McClintock was writing about gin, cigarettes and how to get by on other people's money by avoiding work at all costs.

The Answer: 
 There has been 17 between Harry’s choice of Omar Bradley and today’s Adm. Michael Mullen. In between we have had Colin Powell, Maxwell Taylor, Nathan Twining, Earle Wheeler, Arthur Radford, Lyman Lemnitzer, Thomas Moorer, George Brown, David Jones, John Vessey, William Crowe, David Jeremiah, John Shalikashvili, Hugh Shelton, Richard Meyers and Peter Pace. Ford didn’t and 0-Man hasn’t named a Chair. Harry – 1, Ike – 3, JFK – 1, Big Spender Lynden – 1 Nixon – 2, Carter – 1, Reagan -- 2, GHWB – 1, Monica’s Pal – 3, GW – 3. There were 12 Generals and 5 Admirals…and Shalikashvili was the hardest to pronounce. Kind of a dumb question, wasn’t it.

The End:
Did you ever have one of those mornings when your computer just sat there and looked t you. It didn’t -do nothin’. Just an hour glass sitting there. It must be a humidity-in-the-sand thing.

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