Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Keep it simple.

Today's Tids Issue 2,200
Opening Stuff:

What do you think would happen if a space ship full of aliens landed on earth with the intent of destroying all humans, and the first thing they saw was a little puppy sitting there looking up at them with big brown eyes wagging its tail?

There are some things in this world that will always make your heart flutter and face light up in a great, humongous smile. Of course one is the little puppy with big brown eyes and a wagging tail. And then…of course…there’s the Bride looking beautiful, standing at the front of the church waiting to make that most important stroll. And the parents beaming in the front row. It always gets to me, I’ll tell you.

Good ole’ logic tells me that any sane taxpayer would vote against any candidate endorsed by any public employee’s Union.

I learned two things from the gulf oil spill: First, the Government should never force oil companies to drill at depths a mile below the surface. Second, the companies employ brilliant engineers and possess great technology which will enable them solve/fix any program without demagoguery from government officials.

The Question: Two Parter: 1. Off the top of your head give me five of what you consider the most famous naval ships and I’ll give you mine. 2. Which five states have the highest percentage of DWI highway deaths?

The Headlines:
--Yemen al-Qaida Branch Warns That Israel Action Against Iran Would Provoke Jihadist response Across The Globe.
--Philly Fed Consumer Confidence Index Lowest Since July 2009; Stocks Tumble 1%.
--New Jobless Claims Top 500m000 For First Time In 9 Months.
--Last Combat Brigade Leaves Iraq.
--Flood Aid Now Pouring Into Pakistan.
--New, Junior Senators Want To Change The Way the Senate Works; Younger Group Fed Up With What They See.

Back to More Stuff:
I’ve always been a big advocate of not paying for something that is readily available free. Like mowing your own where you can save twice by not hiring a lawn service and by not having to pay for exercise at a gym. And then of course there is water which comes out of taps and doesn’t have to be in plastic bottles that eventually mar the country side. Books are free at Libraries (Remember them?). Also free is basic software, cell phones with contracts, credit cards, tax preparation, DVD Rentals, checking accounts, shipping, News (Though I will balk here and buy a newspaper), Pets at pounds, and lots of personal financial assistance like credit reports or budgeting plans.

There is something that intrinsically bothers me about the idea of press releases from the CIA. And the idea that the press needs to know.

In the Dungy against Ryan flap, the press has to associate Dungy’s criticism with the phrase “He is a Christian”. Did it ever occur to these mindless observers that it may be better if people in society knew more than one universal adjective? And, Dungy sees this. Which brings me to HBO, a company that seems to think their TV fare is better because they can use the “F” word liberally. Like that some how that makes their stuff more authentic. Personally I think it’s sad. Like littering minds with trash. Who’s going to pick it up?

BTW, if you’re keeping score, Ryan’s mom called to wash out his mouth with soap. Rex said “Sorry Mom”. Maybe he should also add…thanks for your concern Tony.

Obama’s Foreclosure Act might be a decent idea if the Government was not involved in any way.

One of the disturbing aspects of this foreclosure problem is the use of Government approved services like Safeguard Properties who are employed to winterized abandoned properties. Many home owners and new buyers find that not only are they irresponsible (And inept) in the way they treat the homes, but that often fixtures and other personal property is found missing. A local real Estate company selecting a local plumber, engineering service would be safer and much…much faster.

Sometimes the dumbest joke makes me smile for a while…like this morning when cartoonist Wiley said “Before the wall there was China’s Great Velvet Rope”.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 89. –“Kent, maybe we should just go somewhere. Get lost. together.” Laura looked over at me. She seemed so soft. So vulnerable. I was looking at her differently all of a sudden, which was a bad idea since I was driving. A bad idea because we were not part of an idle incident we could walk away from. The human test body was good idea that is now approaching disaster because there are way too many people involved. Sarah would never have brought so many people on board. I looked again at Laura.
“Stay calm Laura. You are now free. But, you have to stay out of sight. I’ll get you a place in Keene New Hampshire. You’ll like it there and it is easy for me to get up there”. I didn’t expect I’ll be going that way much, but she needs to believe I care. My cell rang.
It was Izzy. As I picked it up I heard Laura mumbling, “you need a cooler ring tone.”
“Hi Iz…what…”
“Come in to see me now.”
“That’s it? Iz. No Hi Kent, hello Dr. Middleton.” Jeez, she could be annoying with her regal impression of herself. Like she thinks it was her ancestor who gave her jewels to finance Columbus. “I’m busy right now.” I didn’t show any more emotion.
“Ok. Get here as soon as you can. It’s Important.”
Laura looked over at me and actually smiled. “Maybe you would like to come to Keene with me!”
We both laughed. That’s odd.

Did you read where there is a bed bug infestation at theaters and other locations around Time’s Square the Big Apple? You thought it might have been fruit flies!

Memo to college freshman who have never seen a phone with a cord: Between 1941-45 the biggest industry in Newport RI employing 12,000 was the torpedo factory on Goat Island. With surrounding areas chock full of Victory Gardens. And air raid sirens going off on a regular nightly basis. Sometimes you can’t have everything you want.

Mexico Prez Calderone Loves to complain about American citizens while his own are living in severe fright or reeking terror through the streets and alleys of small villages and large cities. Last night police found the body of Edelmiro Cavazos, Mayor of Mexico’s 3rd largest and quite quaint tourist city Santiago. He was blatantly abducted from his own home by four SUV loads of drug Cartel killers. Maybe he should start emulating American’s concern for law and order.

What do you think a band of illegal aliens would say as crossed the border and saw a little puppy sitting there looking up at them with big brown eyes, wagging its tail? Dinner!. Sorry folks, it was in there.

The Answer: My list includes Providence (J.P. Jones), Constitution (Old Ironsides), Monitor & Merrimack (Break through Technology, USS Arizona (The Beginning), USS Missouri (And…The End) and USS Nautilus (First Nuke).[ A historian names the ten most historically significant ships of all times – Victoria (Magellan), Lusitania, Mayflower, Nina, Titanic, USS Arizona, USS Constituion, Noah’s Ark (!), Bismark and Yamato (The defeat of which for some marked the beginning of the end of WWII). 2. The highest DWI States are North Dakota (46%), Wyoming (42), Montana (40), Hawaii (39) and Rhode Island (38).

The Hope:
I sit here hoping that some day everybody will wake up and learn to understand the value of money again. Maybe it could start with a couple of “No’s” at the Wal-mart toy department or Apple iPod store.

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