Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Eyes not seeing what’s in plain sight.

Today's Tids Issue 3,382
Opening Stuff:

At times I think we live in an ethereal world of millions oblivious to the efforts of serious, intelligent people. While the national focus seems to be upon being “Liked”, instant messaging and how many times somebody can say F--- in a movie. Millennials seem to think that Europeans and Asians are capable of accomplishment barely conceived by Americans. Yet, today we realize that The USA alone has now visited every planet in our universe. Think about that for a minute. Our country did it. How great are we! Despite our politicians and naysayers, we the people routinely accomplish the impossible. Or what seems impossible to those who can’t see past their negativity, or aspire to dreams. 

In case you are keeping score, the Mexican drug cartels have caused far more deaths in the USA than ISIS. The Islamist terror group gets all the press, yet the inhuman drug lords are doing the job for which the ISIS leaders would like to take credit – disrupting US cultures, turning weapons upon each other, killing innocents and ruining hope for generations.

More and more people are complaining about the increasing number of mistakes they are encountering in these so-called service industries. I hear it all of the time from increasingly frustrated consumers. It just seems that some people in these jobs haven’t a clue about why they are there. All they seem to know is that are deserving of a raise from $10/hour to $15/hour.

The Question:
Who is Stewart Copeland and what did he do?

The Headlines:
--GHWB Falls, Breaks Neck Bone; Former Prez Hospitalized Near Maine Home; In Fair, Stable Condition.
--0-Man Smacks Netanyahu; Rival Israel Parties Join Together Against Iran Deal.
--AP/GfK Poll, Hillary Clinton: Favorability Rating For Hill Falls To 39%; Positive Marks From Dems Fall 11 Percentage Points; 66% Says “Honest” Applies To Clinton “Only Slightly” Or “Not At All”, A 4 Point Drop.
--AP/GfK Poll Repubs: Trump (28%) Least Viewed Favorable Of Repubs; Al Repub Candidates except Ben Carson Have Negative Favorability; “Unknown” Is Major Adjective Applied to Most Repub Candidates.
--Internal Iran: Hardliners Mute On Deal.
--Obama Says That if Crosby Did What He Is Accused Of Then It is Rape.
--Feds Shut Down Super Evil, Dark Malware Operation.

Caution: Cheeto Dust on your finger tips is a detriment to effective use of touch screen devices.

It is now appearing that the Iran deal is an economic powerhouse that would put the US Congress in a box. It is expected that this President, who never saw a co-equal branch he couldn’t bypass, will go directly to the UN for approval of a US deal. And it should get approval necessary from all of the potential winners – Russia who will benefit from newly funded Iran’s ability to buy arms; China which always needs oil and will buy whatever it can, and seell China products in return; EuroZone who can now sell machinery and manufactured products to an Iran with new found cash!  And Congress can sit there and deny it all, all of the activity that add juice to another year or so for the bull markets. And, Iran will still have a nuke weapon at least in ten years.

Here’s an internet security idea I thought of while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room (Well, it’s better than reading Web MD). One of the main security issues is opening sites that appear ligit but are extremely evil; or for that matter responding to phone calls that ask for information about something familiar to you. We as consumers all have to have passwords and secret code knowledge like, “When did you grandmother first make you pancakes?” to get into various sites. So, I propose that our suppliers also have to provide us with passwords or secret sentences known only to us before we open their stuff.

From time to time I watch some of those programs on H&G TV where people are out looking for new houses or refurbishing old ones. What intrigues me is that over 90% of the time the couples walk into a house and say, this will be a great place for a “Party”. I rarely hear “this would be perfect for raising a family.” Unless of course, they have a dog.

Here’s what I’m hoping – I’m wanting to see the Pluto space ship fly and out into the vast space beyond and discover something of which we have no idea that it exists. That would be cool. And better than flipping hamburgers.

Give me a clue, Department:
A party boat with 140 people on board crashed into a rock off Woods Hole Mass two nights ago. Officials are saying they are working to determine what may have been the cause of the accident involving the ship’s captain of what was called a “Booze Cruise”! Any guesses?

Odds are that Iran may visit pals in North Korea to test nuclear initiatives during the hiatus.

Over the past 6 years the Prez seems to have been pretty adept at prejudicing legal cases against those supposedly “innocent until proven guilty”. Yet today, he is visiting a prison as a symbolic focus on his message ”To push for a fairer justice system”. Duck tape over an influential mouth would be a start.

What amazes my about the Pluto mission is how fast they can send photos through space form a distance of 3 billion miles. Zowie!

The Parking Lot: Chapter 5.
   The only thing I learned from my trip to Tiverton was that I was actually on to something that could be important. I also learned that I could be stumbling into the unknown where one of the obvious results would be getting myself killed or seriously injured. But, then I figured that I already had been beaten, and I survived.
   I was sitting in my favorite rocking chair contemplating the various reactions of my simple quest; shuffling around the several items from the woman’s pocketbook. The most amazing aspect of this caper so far is that my wife hadn’t put the stuff in a drawer somewhere. She probably figures it will give me something to do. Yet she scoffs at my sleuthing, while at the same time finding it a source for her personal amusement.
   Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the Parking lot below. I have become sensitized to movements below, so I turned to see what was going on. I stood rapidly when I saw what looked like the shape of my mystery woman strolling south across the lot. I hadn’t heard a door slam so I assumed she walked there from somewhere. I watched, now mesmerized at her presence; surprised that my quarry had come to me. I noticed that she was no longer the sad looking person I saw weeping, cringing in the lot that early morning. She now walked with confidence, as if on a mission. I snapped out of my trance and turned to run down stairs.  
   It only took 30 seconds or so, but as I burst open the side door, I saw only empty space. Is my imagination playing games with me?

The Answer:
Stewart Copeland was born in Virginia abut raised in Egypt and eventually moved to England where he joined up with bunch of musicians who became The Police. He became well known as a musician, but was also the main composer for the group. Composing was his love and he was busy after the tours, composing the music for over 20 movies and several TV programs. He’s just another of those people doing a lot that nobody sees and rarely knows about, yet always enjoy.

Go out there and thank somebody quietly doing something for society as if they were a movie star.

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