Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, January 15, 2021

Crying Wolf.


Today's Tids Issue 4,820

Find Your Song:


“Experts only know about old ideas. If they knew about future ones, they would be entrepreneurs, not experts.” Dilbert (Scott Adams)


A lot of people dream of songs they would like to write, but have to wait hoping a poet will write one for them. And when they find it, it is special; they may carry it in their heart. I think everybody is looking for their song.


So if a cow doesn’t produce milk, is it a milk dud or an udder failure?


I don’t mind being me. If I have grey hair, it’s because my hair is grey. If my muscles are smaller and I’m shrinking it’s because my muscles are smaller and I’m shrinking. But what is inside of me which nobody can see, which got me to where I am, is just the same as usual. Maybe a little more experienced. So, I don’t worry about the other stuff.


The Question:

Retail is going through some huge changes which will affect a lot of loyal employees. What are considered ten best retail stores to work for as ranked by retail employees?


The Headlines:

--Nasdaq and Dow; Investors Mulling Biden $2 Trill Package’ Retail Sales Surprisingly Lower For Third Straight Month; JP Morgan Records Record Profit As Trading, Investment Banking Jumps..

--UMich Consumer Sentiment Index Falls More Than Expected For January.

--Prez Elect Biden Announces $1.9 Trillion Plan; Calls For National $15 Min Wage, Usurping Rights Of States; AOC Slams Biden For Missing On $2K/Per Promise
--North Korea Unveils New Submarine-Launched Missile

--Left Wing Activist In Custody Of US Marshalls After Videos And Photos Reveal Him Urging Actions To Push Further; John Sullivan (AKA, ) Heard Shouting To Rioters, “We Got To Get This S--- Burned…”; “It’s Our House M------------…”

--Dutch Rutte Government Resigns After Child Welfare Fraud Scandal.

--Moving Vans At White House; DT Expected To Skip Town.

--NBC Poll; 8% of Repubs Support Impeachment And Removal; Contrasts With 89% of Dems And 45% of Indies.

--Goya Foods Prez And CEO Robert Unanue Says Dems Weaponized Covid To Win Election; Says Shutting Down Economy Drained American Spirit.


A thief broke into my house last night. He stared looking for money, so I got up and started looking with him.


Insurance company advertising is doing its best to make you feel that corporate management has lost sense of taste and humor.


The latest worst of insurance advertising is e Christmas scene where one kid is all smiley faced with his personalized Liberty Mutual Insurance package while his brother is the ungrateful, jealous, brat kicking brand new bike while his mother smiles weirdly.


There is a leftist push to edit out a cameo scene in Home Alone 2 featuring Donald Trump the Hotel billionaire. Isn’t that what communist dictators do—eliminate people the past, rewrite history?


There is no future form cancelling out the past.

Stevie Nicks said, “If you see somebody running down the street naked every single day, you stop looking up.” I guess that’s a little bit like our repetitive nightly newscasts that tend to dilute important events.


The minimum wage was designed to be a minute for entry level jobs. If we had a national $15 Buck min, half of Central America would move I illegally.


It looks like the new fun game in Liberaland is demeaning, denigrating, ostracizing Repubs with slurs, calling them racists, Hitler and terrorists. Unity, schmoonity.


The only reason I go the extra mile is because I miss my exit.


The Answer;

Number One is Apple Store followed by Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble, REI, Target, Trader Joe’s, Amazon.Com, Wegmans’s, Gap Inc and at #10, Starbucks. Going to 25 we have at #11 Red Lobster, American Eagle, Nike, Nordstrom, Books-A-Million, AutoZone, Fuddruckers, Kroger, Kmart, PetSmart, J.Crew, Walgreens, Speedway, Banana Republic and Academy Sports. Walmart is #33. Giant CVS isn’t listed, but Walgreens and Rite-Aide are.


I think everybody is getting tired of being part of a major historical event.



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