Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Setting the political stage.


Today's Tids Issue 4,826



Since the beginning of Covid the world has lost 255 Million jobs which is 4 times that lost in the huge 2009 near-depression/recession. The stock markets look strong, but employment numbers are saying there are a quarter of a billion fewer buyers out there. How can good times roll with declining consumers? It’s easier to look profitable when companies don’t have to pay 255,000,000 workers.


I like Tids when it’s light and airy.

Not when writing of things contrary.


The Repubs should only be thinking of one thing – how to get back Congress in 2022. That’s what I said early on about Georgia too, and they blew that playing the voter fraud game. It’s the old battles versus wars thing.


Noted Democrat Jeff Bezos, and Amazon, does not want their workers voting by mail on unionization. Amazon says mail-in voting wouldn’t be “valid or fair.”


Lots of people are waiting for GE to comeback. The reasoning – how can such a great company have crumbled so far so fast. There still must be good stuff there.


What do you call Watson when Sherlock isn’t around?



The Question:

Who was the mother of England’s Elizabeth the First? Bonus: When and where were the first Winter Olympics? Extra Bonus: What was the Name of Lucy and Linus (Peanuts) Brother?


The Headlines

--S&P Sets New High; Dow Jumps On Strong Earnings Form 3M and J&J; Home Prices Surging.

--PepsiCo And Beyond Meat Joining To Produce Plant Based Snacks.

--DOJ Launches Internet Investigation

--Janet Yellen Approved To Be First Female US Treasurer.


We will probably see written more about Brady and Mahomes in the next couple of weeks than any human could possibly consume. But also interesting is that the Super bowl game will also feature a huge duel between two of the greatest all time tight ends, Gronk and Kelce.


A petty smart DC political analyst says that a USA problem is the control by “Anti-Majoritarian Sentiments” (A-MS) of political institutions. He mentions as an example the Conservative Supreme Court not looking like America. But he may have forgotten that up to recently one of the biggest dividing A-MS’s was the control of the Supreme Court Liberals if the 70’s sand 80’s, which actually gave rise to the cohesiveness of Conservatives. You know, experts very often forget their side of the problem.


I love how in horror movies the person will ask, “Is anybody there?” As if the killer would say, “Oh yeah, I’m in the kitchen. Want a sandwich?”


Warning: In the PepsiCo, Beyond Meat plant-based snack thing -- read ingredients labels before buying regardless of pretty pictures.


As I watch the younger generations trying to rewrite history, you can be assured of one thing – It will be misspelled and have no punctuation.


Where have all the journalists gone? Are there any left. Really. This is a serious question. It seems they are all more like activists than decerning interpreters and presenters of factual news; nearly incapable of writing two sides of a story. Or even seeing the possibility of another side.


A password looks at itself in the mirror: “Don’t listen to Google. You are a strong, confident password.”


A smart insider guy said the other day that the Repubs will be for the end of the Electoral College if they lose Texas to Dems. The reason: With Texas, Cal and NY in the Dems pocket, the Repubs would never win another presidential election again. I still like the idea of the little sates having a say.   


Apparently Repub senators and Congress people are walking the tight rope between pleasing their continuants and the deep pocket contributors who are running as fast as they can away from Trump and his Repub supporters. Money versus doing what you have been elected to od.


When you think about how much energy Democrats put into justifying Mail and early voting, you know there just has to be something wrong with it.


The word around DC is that nobody dislikes Trump more than Mitch McConnell. He totally blames Ex-President for the loss of Georgia Senate races. And you never know what he might do to get even. I blame trump top.


The Answer:

Henry the 8th’s second wife Anne Boleyn was the mother of Elizabeth 1. “Good Queen Bess” did a quite a good job during her over 60 reign. She was the last of the House of Tudor Monarchs. Too bad Mom didn’t get to see the success of her daughter. Bonus: The first winter Olympics were held at Chamonix at the foot of Mount Blanc in 1924. At the age of 11, the great figure skater Sonja Henie made her debut. She came in last, but became a fan favorite. Extra Bonus: Lucy and Linus had brother named rerun.


The Washington shuffle is in full swing now. A lot of what we will be seeing will have more to do with where politicians want to see themselves in 2 years, rather than what can we do to help all people equally. And even bigger than politician shuffling is the race for prominence now by all varieties of ideological groups. And Pols deciding which one they can safely latch onto without losing too many votes. That’s what we have to know in order be able to intelligently read between the ague lines of our leaders. Instead of reading or heariing pretty words, watch what they do.


I’ll tell you all something, there’s nothing like a good pretzel.

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