Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Domino Effect


Today's Tids Issue 5,116 

Standing up: 


Another SOTU bites the dust. I thought the prez did a decent job on the opening part and it would have been better if I didn’t have to look at the giggling twosome behind him; Especially the googooly eyed enthusiasm of Lala-Pelosi. I read 7 or 8 reviews of the speech, and Repubs and Dems pretty much agreed on the opening tribute to Ukraine and most of the actions taken so far (Some Ukraine Parliament members didn't agree however). The rest of the speech became the traditional political laundry list that quickly changed the from unity of Ukraine support to toxic divide. As expected, the Dem critics gave the speech mostly As, while the Repub reviewers were generally in the C to D area. So, what’s new? (By the way, Old Chuckie Schumer looked a little too eager to jump up and applaud himself. Awkward!). I tuned into a Celtics game when post Ukraine Humdrum began. Basically, the SOTU has become one side standing and applauding maniacally while the other sits on their hands regardless of the speaker. At least Nancy P brought back a little decorum by not childishly tearing up the speech.  But I’m sure some Repub leaders were flushing it away somewhere in the people’s august building. 


Personally, I thought the entire affair seemed out of context with the suffering in that warn torn country despite the lauding of the heroism there. At times Ukraine seemed like a Nancy prop to generate votes... I mean applause. 


Out of the ashes come Easter bunnies, chocolate and colored eggs in store windows. Get ready for the latest Mass transformation of a sacred holiday into a race for dollars. 


...And bad puns: 

Every year on Ash Wednesday, my friend stops using isopropyl in lieu of dryer fluff...He gives up alcohol for lint. 


The Question: 

Name who you think may be the people the folks wished were still alive. Believe me, this list ranges all over the place. You can tell by the first two names. 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Open Stronger; 475,000 Jobs added; Fed to approach March Rate Hike Carefully. 

--Russia Ups Air Attacks; Kharkiv Line Holds Despite Massive Bombing; Reports Say Putin Experiencing More Soldier Deaths Than Expected; Russia Clams Seizure Of Kherson; Movement to Total Takeover Stalls.. 

--Largest US Corporations Exiting Russia Markets.  

--Texas Primaries Have Beto Facing Greg Abbott For Governor. 

-- Roman Abramovich Owner of The British Football Team Chelsea Plans To sell; All Proceeds, He Says, Will Be delivered To Ukraine Victims. 


A proud reader writes to tell me that his grandfather was responsible for 42 downed planes during WWI. He was also named the worst mechanic in the Italian air force. 


The world Taekwondo Organization just stripped Putin of his Black Belt, saying: “Peace is more precious than triumph”. I like that. 


There are some opinions floating around the war zone that Russian soldiers are having trouble firing at people who look like themselves. That the will to win is the key ingredient missing from a well-planned strategy for short tern Hit and take over engagement. 


Duh decision of the day: “UN votes overwhelmingly to demand Russia to stop war.” 


You know you're Catholic when you genuflect before you go into a row at the movie theater. 


Let’s hope that Putin is giving up for lent. 


“Under laws signed by Putin, protesters found guilty of “holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets” multiple times during a six-month period will be eligible for a panoply of penalties, including fines ranging from 600,000 to 1 million rubles ($17,124 to $28,540) or two years of salary and up to five years of forced labor or prison. In addition, Putin also signed a law to increase prison time for people who publicly call for anything that might “violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.” And, these laws will force any Internet company hoping to operate in Russia to store Russian clients’ personal data inside the country. Right now, Putin has just ordered a stoppage of Facebook and Twitter. The big Question: Why aren't Russians Revolting. 


Wow, Lent sure got here too fast! 


Russian “Super Yacht” owners will be steaming full ahead to the Maldives where there is no extradition treaty with the USA. The Maldives could become the richest per capita place in the world in a matter of a day and a half after Joe B’s threat last night to take all the assets of the Oligarchs. 


The Answer: 

Ok. #1 person we wish would come back is Robin Williams and he is followed logically by Leonardo Da Vinci. Let’s se: Robin, Leonardo; Leonardo, Robin. That makes sense. The rest are Freddie Mercury, Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Irwin, Princess Diana, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln and #10, Bruce Lee/ The next bunch are Heath Ledger, Bob Ross, Elvis Pressley, Prince, Anne Frank, John Lennon, Bob Markey, Nikola Tesla, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Jimie Hendrix, Walt Disney, William Shakespeare and at #25, Carrie Fisher. Carrie Fisher! I guess what it tells us is that there are lot more opinions in this world than our own. JonBenet Ramsey is #66 one spot before Plato and four before Aristotle. 


This is an attack on a peaceful civilization because one person can’t get what he wants. But Mommy, you said I could have Ukraine. 


See you tomorrow, folks 



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