Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, June 17, 2022

I’m sorry. Not.


Today's Tids Issue 5,193 

The Perception Problem: 



Not keeping up, Department: 

The once dominant Revlon company filed for bankruptcy, I Its just the latest example of a company thinking its former greatness could overcome its current ineptitude as competitors react to latest trends and give people what they want. And, it's not just companies who live too long in the past. 


The big question of the moment: Is the glistening exterior of Elon Musk truly eroding or are we just seeing the results of snipers hammering him because he is successful and forward thinking? 


Another Question: Why couldn’t the lifeguard save the hippie? He as too far out. 


The Question: 

For what is the French ship Isere known? Bonus: What are Barry Manilow’s greatest hits? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Open Up Hoping To Finish Week In Positive Territory. 

--President Biden Says He Doesn’t See A Recession As Inevitable. 

--AP/NORC Center For Public Research: Only 2 Of 10 Americans see Country Headed In Right Direction.  

--Mike Pence Lauded For His J6 Courage During Latest J6 Hearing. 

--EU Commission Supports Ukraine Entry Into NATO 


On the subject of fading democracy which has come up recently: The 22% of Americans who use twitter (Just 10% of twitter users account for 80% of tweets) can overpower all of those Americans who avoided Twitter because they thought giving up their privacy to widespread broadcasting was insane. If that premise is accepted then it appears insanity is running America 


My beloved Celtics didn’t quite make it all the way. I think their youth and inexperience had them hitting a big wall in the end. But, they did a lot more than anybody thought they could, and they gave us all here a lot of thrills. Next year, right? 


American politicians seem to a be apologizing for just about anything in the past lately. And it tends to be embarrassing. 


Vampires like nectarines. It’s true. 


While democratic elections are what made America free and great, too many of today's pols are promising anything to get votes and protect party objectives. And giving away stuff will never make anything great. 


A wise and educated reader says: “Only a woman who delivered a baby without an epidural shot can truly understand the pain a man goes through when he has a cold.” 


The Real America, Department: 

A YouGov survey set out to show the differences of between real America and perceived America. It showed that while Americans believe 30% of them are vegetarians in really its only 6-7%; That we believe 26% of Americans makeover $500K/Year versus the truth of about 1%. That they believe 41% of Americans are black but the real number is about 12-13%. They think that 30% live in NYC (Media capital) while only 3% do. You get the picture, Advertising and public relation promotions work. And these perceptions are driving America policy and trends now. Instead of all of the people. Beware of what you read. Except of course, the Tids 


I talk about adaptability a lot. For instance, Giraffes were created with longer necks because typically they have smelly feet.  


Today is National Eat Your Vegetables Day. It only reminds of my parents and how I became rebel. 


As we settle into deeper inflation a lot of Americans are thanking Senator Manchin for helping to stop the huge runaway government payday. 


If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have? Large hands. 


The Answer: 

Isere is the French ship that brought over the Statue of Liberty to NY Harbor. Bonus: The top Barry Manilow hits are #10 Somewhere in the Night, Ships, I Write the Songs, Weekend in New England, I Made it Through the Night, Can’t Smile without You, It Looks Like We Made It, Copacabana, Mandy and #1, It Could be Magic. 


It’s a weekend here in New England again. So, I thought I’d play this Barry song of the same title: 




Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! 

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