Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, October 30, 2023

Out there, somehow.


Today's Tids Issue 5,372 

Earth family first: 



What makes people not think twice about coldly taking the lives of innocents. That is the question. 


Two of the heralded can’t be beat teams, KC and San Fran, are looking pretty ordinary lately. 


I was a bookkeeper for 10 years. The local library wasn't too happy about it  


Love is infinite. Maybe the never-ending universe is love. 


The Question: 

Where did the Spanish Flu begin? Bonus: How many total satellites have been launched into space? How many communications satellites are in space today? 


The Headlines: 

-- Euro Stocks Rebound Upward from Two Year Low. US Stocks Rebounding Strongly Well into Afternoon. Look Strong.  

--Auto Companies and UAW Agree. 

--Israel Move s deeper into Gaza; Sent Combatants into Lebanon to Battle Hezbollah 

--Walgreens and CVS Pharmacists go out on Three Day Strike. 

--Colorado Opens Trump Ballot Disqualification Trial. 

--Haley now Neck in Neck with DeSantis in Early Voting State NH. 


How to play with words is well illustrated in a Chipotle commercial. They say, “We use our finest Steak...”. “Our” Finest steak and not “the” finest steak. Their's looks chewy and overcooked to me.  


Well, the Bankers are happy about the higher interest rate for car loans. And surely US Auto Workers will be very happy too. But will anybody be able to afford a car? 

Everybody is planning on ways to get to other planets. We still haven't figured out how to keep families together here yet


A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the highway. Looking at the car, he was astounded to see that the elderly woman behind the wheel was knitting. The trooper cranked down his window and yelled to the driver, “Pull over!”. “No!” the woman yelled back, “Cardigan!” 


We humans always expect nirvana from new technology. For instance, when the auto arrived people looked at the freedom its existence now presented. And now it's bumper to bumper more often than not. And it won't get better, regardless if the cars are gas or electric. 


Today we have an amazing satellite driven global communications system. And how happy are we with knee bruises from walking blindly into fire hydrants while texting. But feverish launching of multiple satellites and its growing mass could conceivably result in a large domino effect bump-off pitching earth into darkness until we find all the wires took down. Remember, accidents do happen in space regardless of the sophistication of technology. A loose bolt traveling at 38,000mph is an asteroid to a small satellite. 

AI, even in its infancy, is replicating itself in ways that the most important, knowledgeable AI scientists in the world don’t understand. Oops! 


Most earth-like planets that may or may not have living intelligent creatures who may or may not look like us could come here at any time, if thye had enough of it. Considering the distance away for the average earthlike planet, he travelers would pass through 30 to 40 generations of beings abord. Are we there yet? 31st Great Grandpa. 


I wonder if anybody understands at all what was there before the proverbial “Big Bang”?  


The Answer: 

The “Spanish” Flu originated in Kansas USA, Fort Riley to be exact. It appears an Army cook got and the rest is history. It is called Spanish Flu because it was a newspaper in Spain that first announced the presence of the scourge. The story goes that after WWI, participating countries in the war didn't want broadcast any more bad news to their people. But Spain was neutral in the war... Hmmm.. Bonus: in the last 66 years 11,946 satellites have been launched into space. There are now 4,823 communications’ satellites in spacee which is up 53.82% since 2022! The race to profitability may over tax the over saturated orbiting paths. 


The sign at the record store going out of business sale read: “All sales Vinyl.” 








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