Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

It's Over, Day.


Today's Tids Issue 5,464 

It's Science Fiction Day: 


Well, it’s Super Tuesday. News people will have a blast interrupting my favorite TV r programs with election news I already have on my phone. And even if Nikki gets few surprising upticks, there is the real question about enough money being available to continue on. So super Tuesday may not be very exciting at all. Except for people who design digital tote board software. 


Did you know that Tooth fairy payouts are down 17% nationally. Where has all the whimsy gone? 


Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank? They just wash up on shore. 


The Question: 

What do you think are the ten greatest Science Fiction Novels of all Time? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Getting Pounded; Tech Stocks a Drag as Rate Decrease Enthusiasm Wanes Bringing Down Markets; Apple Phone Sales in China Down 24%; Bitcoin Hits New Record then Plummets 10%.  

--California Highlands Expecting at Least Two more Feet of Snow Piled Atop 10 Feet Already There. 

--New AP/Norc Poll: 63% of voters don't Believe Biden Has the Mental Acuity to be President; 57% Doubt Trump Mental Capabilities.  

--Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema Calls It Quits in State’s US Senate race. 


Biden’s State of the Union is expected to focus on fee gouging by Big Corporations; WH Staffers say it is his need to get closer to Mr. and Mrs. and They/Them everybody. 


(Note: Tids Politico/Economic Editorial Board [PEEB] said the regular people look at cash register receipts and not big data.) You are always ahead of the curve residing here snugly in Tids. Sometimes sarcasm is the truth.  


Sorry for the blatant plug, self-aggrandizement. OMG, I’m turning into Trump. 


March is “Problem Gambler Awareness Month”. This pap can only be the invention of big gambling businesses to make people feel that gambling enterprises care when all they want is more and more is more of people's money.  


Oddly, I just went upstairs for a minute and there was a gambling commercial on the radio. After an intense minute of selling the virtues of losing your money they ended with a two-second warning. If you have a gambling problem, call 1-Lostmyhoms. How absurd. (Note: the phone number was not lostmyhome – for Tids newbies, that was supposed to be funny) 


If you look around, you will notice that state legislatures are passing laws regularly to protect people who came into the USA by breaking a basic law.  


A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says, “Hey, they named a drink after you!” “Really?” replies the grasshopper. “There’s a drink named Stan?” 



A long-time reader wrote to say that Jerry Stiller should have been on that list of funny standup comedians from last weeks ‘Q. Let’s hear it for Jerry. And his Wife Anne Meara too, for those you who go back that far. 


My watch just yelled at me telling me to get up and walk. That would mean leaving all of you guys. How crazy is that? 


The world was better when nobody or digital things knew where you were. 


The Answer: 

Number One was 1984. Then we have Fahrenheit 451, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Time Machine, Frankenstein, I. Robot, Dune, The War of the Worlds, Enders Game and #10, A Wrinkle in Time. 


This morning, Facebook had to use “X” to tell their customers that they were down. Several other Meta businesses were not working this morn as well as You Tube. Last week it was AT&T. It makes paranoid people like me worry about a Foreign cyber stalker practicing for the big one.  


On a happy note, I'll say goodbye good friends until tomorrow. Remember, when the weather is crappy, you can still be happy. Life is bigger than weather forecasters. 








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