Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, July 15, 2024

A millimeter.



Today's Tids Issue 5,565 

Buckeye Boost: 


Another inch and the political world would be upside down. And maybe because of a madman, it just will in another way. Now it appears we have a chance for some much-needed statesmanship, adult behavior, Biden is saying the right things and Trumps near death has him saying he is throwing out his Repub Convention speech full of Biden barbs, trading it in for one of unifying the country. So out of near tragedy for our country comes perhaps rationality. 


One of the great inventions of humankind are the Titanker Shower Curtain Hooks. 


During his press conference of last week Prez Joe proudly kept repeating that he and his admin had accomplished more than any other admin. Here's the deal, Joe. I don't want all of that expensive government overkill. I don't also like this idea of increasing executive decisions. (And that goes for you too, DT)Let's get congress back into the act. I want gridlock and congress will help us get there. 


The creepy songwriter gets paid per verse. 


Nothing written elevates my spirits more than Mahler's 2nd Symphony. 


The Question: 

Who are considered the ten most evil people in history. 


The Headlines: 

--GOP Convention Kicks off Today in Milwaukee. 

--After CPI Report of Last Week, Markets Expected to go Back to Summer Slumbering; Surprise Early with Strong Opening, Dow Continuing through Afternoon; May Awaken for Netflix Earnings Report on Thursday. 

--Breaking: Trump Picks JD Vance, Ohio VP (Check out paragraph written earlier, Below). 

--Judge Dismisses Trump Documents Case. 


It was nice to see Kate out there yesterday presenting the trophy at Wimbledon. 


Spain is the place to be having yesterday produced the Wimbledon men’s champ and European Soccer Champs. Unless of course you are a tourist where you can expect to be drenched by water ballons in Barcelona. Spain has had it with giving up their privacy and their homes for investment in tourism. Sound familiar? 


Political strategists are saying Trump shouldn't pick Rubio because he is from Florida like Trump, that he needs to broaden the appeal but beyond one state. But I believe most people in the USS view Trum as an NYC boy. From that point of view, Vance of Ohio is probably the right choice.  

The Olympics has pure and simple become a big money Network entertainment package. While it is still an avenue for teh greatest athletes ever, the athlete's popularity is more tied to the sexiness of a promotable back story.  


Is there anything more annoying in life than a grocery cart with bad wheels? 


Remember when political conventions used to be fun and meaningful, often full of real drama? 


If you are interested in Drama, check out machinations at the upcoming Central Committee Meeting of the China Commiunist party as they wrestle with a string of bad GDP reports.  


The reporting of the Trump event was a classic example of what happens when bug new occurs on a weekend. All the junior weekend subs did a great and complete job covering the fast-breaking story. Then, the regular high paid weekday anchors have to show up and repeat it all over again. And again. Ad again.  


They say a 140-yard shot is normal for a rifle of the type used to in the attempted assassination of DT. But the kid still had to know how to use it.  


One report says the two stocks to but now and hold for ten years are Tesla and Eli Lily.  


In 1972, American singer/songwriter, Bill Withers, originally wrote a song for a new Broadway version of Peter Pan. In the musical, Hook has become very discouraged by his lack of success in defeating Peter and the Lost Boys, so his right-hand man sings to him and offers a shoulder to hold on to... Lean on Smee. 


Oh Noooo, did I actually type that. 


The Answer: 

There's no need to create suspense here -- # 1 was Adolph Hitler. Two is Josef Stalin followed by Vlad the Impaler, Osama Bin Laden Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Henrich Himmler, Ghengis Kahn, Kim Jong Il and Sadaam Hussein. Somehow lovable George Bush made this list at 16 between Joseph Mengele and Nero. George W, Bush most evil man in the History of the world? Shows what a bad PR person can do for your reputation. Or it shows you what happens with a liberal hater creates a list. 


The hero was Cory Comperatore, that fireman and good father killed protecting his wife during the shootings.  












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