Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, July 29, 2024

Waiting for tomorrow.



Today's Tids Issue 5.574 

What me apathetic: 


It’s hard to believe this week begins with the last few days of July. I was eating a hot dog under a firework lit sky just a day or two ago. Right? Yes, time seems to disappear  


I find the Olympics watching tedious. I sat down last night to enjoy an evening of competition between superb athletes and saw mainly interviews with celebrity Olympians and very little action. It seems too much about the announcers and TV personalities. It's an entertainment show, when in the past it was a very good sports event. But that’s what happens when you sell your soul to the devil in green. 


I am so tired of politics and politicians. I mean now that the days fly by so quickly, time could be better spent than listening yo political speeches which are basically all the same.  


They say ignorance is bliss, but have they tried apathy? 


The Question: 

Who are considered by regular people in a poll to be the greatest female athletes of all time? 


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Open Slow, become Lethargic then Dawdle; Waiting for Wednesday Fed Meeting; Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Meta To Report this week.  

--Biden Announces Plans to call for SC Term Limits, Stronger Ethics Code; Ask for Constitutional Amendment Limiting Breadth of Presidential Immunity. 

--Israel Says they Will Attempt to Avoid All-out War in Lebanon. 

--Maduro Declared Winnr of Venezuela Prez Race; Exit Polls Have Opposition Winning. 


It's always a good idea to keep shims around the house. 


The Olympics today are like when Tiger Woods played in tournaments. Nothing against Tiger, but the cameras would cover every tiger shot but the others labor in obscurity. 


Kamala is being portrayed as a living s Saint based on what I've seen coming across my phone, TV, Radio and in the reorientation of the general news. How has the USA survived without her.  


Today's TVs are like our phones. Smart today, dumb tomorrow.  


It was reported on Wall Street today that McDonalds missed its marks on all measurements and the reason – fewer people are dining, or should I say here, eating out. And that is the economic issue that should tip the scale in the November election.  


A super-hot band among the younger college crowd is Hozier. This is an Irish band that gained their notoriety with their first song that attacked the Catholic Church on the gay issueThe music sounds pretty much the same as a lot of current music. Today's music isnlt about the lilt but the gravity of the tilt. 


If Kamal bought back plastic bags to grocery stores, I would vote for her.  Obviously, that is an exaggeration as she is the quintessential anti plastic bag thinker. But when you get down to  it, for a big majority the election is all about, what are you giving to me. 


If Kamara wins the presidency she will go down as a first among many identity groups. But I suggest she should go down as the luckiest person to be in the oval office. Or was this all planned four years ago and not just the luck of Biden stammering his way out of office. That she was picked four years ago after being quite the failed candidate at the time, to step into a post one term presidency That somehow Joe B could be effectively removed from office by the Dem power base. I'm thinking this is a wonderful conspiracy theory and I'm sticking with it.  


I considered writing a book about apathy, but no one seemed interested. 


Lip gloss is making the Dem picture appear brighter. But the fact remains that the key issues for Americans are Inflation and jobs and the economy and illegal immigration. The US position in the world view is another. And of course, crime.  Kaamla’s strength though is in woman's reproductive rights and the environment. The women's rights issue though very vocal, is down the list of topics most concerning to Americans. But Environment is coming up on the list. Another which both candidates still have to speak to is Artificial Intelligence, specifically and generally the role of technology in people's eyes. My overriding issue is the apparent growing governmental role in individual's lives. It may be too late. 


What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care. 


What's the sense of having a smart TV when the programming is as dumb as ever. 


Anybody who thinks you can win a WWIII is insane.  


When I answer the survey question, “Do you think America is on the right or wrong track or just right,” I always answer wrong track. And when they ask why I say a couple of things, all related to the fact that the government is becoming to big and pervasive. That human individualism is being threatened. 


I tried to be motivated once, but then I remembered I had Netflix. 


The general feeling among political observers is that Obama and Kamala are every close. Renown journalist Seymore Hersh says that Kamals and Obama threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment and that is what tipped the scaleWho knew? 


Apathy: the best way to avoid getting your hopes up. 


The Answer: 

My number one choice, Babe Didrickson Zaharias was number 39. So already this list is suspect. Number one was Serena Williams followed by Steffe Graf, Simone Biles, Nadia Comaneci, Jackie Joyner Kersee, Lindsey Vonn, Florence Griffith Joyner, Chris Evert, Mikaela Shiffrin and #10 Yalena Isinbayene. 


No apathy here. 





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