Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sorting it out, again.


Today's Tids Issue 5,572 

There is a way: 


What this country really needs are leaders who eschew insult politics.  


Yesterday's Question was: What five words are often most mis used by people in the US? Ah! You'll have to reread yesterday's Tids to get the answer! Actually, yesterday’s effort turned out to be one of the most responded to in a while. People are indeed fascinated by words. As one person wrote, why is the foul pole in fair territory  


I remember when my favorite comedian by far was Buster Keaton. 


There's nothing better in summer than a hot muggy day when leaving a freezing supermarket. 


President Biden will address the nation tonight at 8:00 about his Resignation and Future. Yeah, great Joe, cancel “Price is Right at Night”. Yeah, Thanks. 


The Question: 

What was the first Confederate State readmitted to the Union? 


The Headlines: 

--Google Hits and Telsa Mises in Last Evenings Earnings Reports; Investors Expecting Mega Tech Sell Off as Earnings Seem to Disappoint; IBM Reports After Closing; AT&T Presents Positive but Iffy Proposition; Q2 GNP Due Thursday and June CPI Due Friday. 

--Harris Opens Her Campaign in Wisconsin to Enthusiastic Crowds; Trump Files Complaint with SEC over Kamala Getting J oe B’s $94 Million of Bidne Funds. 

--Luxury Item, Purchases Worldwide Drop Significantly as Chinese Buyers Lock Up Wallets; Revenue of LVMH (Vuuton, Dior, Tiffany) Down 20%. 

--Netanyahu to Meet with Trump in Fal Today; Biden, Tomorrow. 


I’m thinking about how people in the winter claim cabin fever and can hardly wait for the great outdoors. Then in the summer they sit in the same house in AC,  


One of my greatest friends, in response to yesterday's dwelling on English word intricacies and misunderstandings sent me this note.  I was going to paraphrase it, but I thought her words said something to think about better than I could: “Since 2005 I’ve been teaching non-English speaking adults to speak, read, write and understand our spoken language …it’s been amazing and an education for me, too! They marvel at the intricacies, multiple meanings and spellings, and often look for similarities to their own native language. Those who have to learn our alphabet and its sounds present a unique challenge. I’m telling you - being bi-lingual is a major accomplishment! Great admiration for those who give it a try and persist!” 




I'm beginning to think Mike Johnson has been a pretty good choice for a reasonable Speaker of the House.  


Armor clad Knights of yore bought their clothes at the Hard Wear store! 


The Dems just a saved democracy by Subverting the votes of thousands who wanted Biden 


The five states where people are most stressed out about finances, furthest behind in bills, have trouble existing day to day are Michigan, Texas, Nevada, Tennessee and Rhode Island.  


On that score, RI politicians are saying that one big reason is that the state hasn’t raised the minimum wage high enough. How sad is that thinking. Exasperation is a word that comes to mind-- Politicians thinking that an economy is built upon government mandated wages. No, the reason is because they have made it hard for companies that pay high wages to come in here.  


On a happier note, Rhode Island and Michigan retained their sense of independent thinking as they were the only two states who have chosen “Moose Tracks” as their favorite Ice Cream, Nationally the top five favorites are Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Butter Pecan and Cookie Dough. Two other NE states, Maine and New Hampshire also rate Moose Tracks high. Number two in RI is Vanilla followed by Chocolate, Coffee and Strawberry I hope RI’er still have enough money to spring for an ice cream cone occasionally. 


I got a lot more about world play than I gave. So maybe you’ll be smiling after you read this from great friends with a wonderful sense of humor: “Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward. And your pronunciation's OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live.” Sometimes my friends, words can be quite absurd. 


Spell Check can be dumber than a bureaucrat at times.  


Google offered $23 Billion to buy startup security company Wiz. The owners of Wiz turned it down. The money of today is well beyond my ability it. 


In case you are interested, the “Mag Seven” (Mega Tech Stocks) lost $1.25 Trillion in Market Cap Value in the last 7 trading sessions! Nobody is jumping off ledges. The S&P held on to slight losses as the old conservative stocks smoothed out a boarder affect. Maybe “Wiz” should have accepted Google's $23 Billion.  



Since when did George Clooney become a kingmaker? And why would anybody who wants a great country care? 


Maybe our new theme should be, "Make America Civilized Again.” 


The Answer: 

It was Tennessee. Maybe they liked Dolly Parton. Sorry Dolly, you’re not that old. 


I just felt like playing this tune today. It was one of the greats of 1950. Sometimes you just got to go wild and crazy: 





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