Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, July 12, 2024

How do you know



Today's Tids Issue 5,564 

Drift Off: 


I hear music today. 

It seems far away, 

Yet its softness holds me 

Caresses gently, 

Fills my heart, 

To start the day. 


Isn't life better without politics. Suddenly last night Jeopardy turned into Biden. It was drudgery last night held hostage by a press conference that was in essence a candidate qualifier contest.   He did better. And as I listened to critics and supporters, I thought about credibility. The Repubs and Dems should learn that by being honest about obvious facts they improve their chances of being believed in other opinions that may sound outrageous to the opposition – even when they are true.  


Wouldn't you love to be the proverbial fly on the wall listening to Obama and Pelosi strategizing. 


“Fishes live in the sea, as men do a-land; The great ones eat up the little ones.” William Shakespeare 

A young artist exhibits his work for the first time... and a well-known art critic is in attendance. The critic says to the young artist, "would you like my opinion on your work?" "Yes, " says the artist. "It's worthless," says the critic. The artist replies, "I know, but tell me anyway." 



The Question: 

What are considered the Top Ten Auto Insurance Companies? 


The Headlines: 

--Stock Markets Surge Early, Ends Week On Positive Note; Strong Big Bank Earnings Pushing Confidence 

--AT&T Announces Massive Data Breach Across All Cellphone Users; Nearly All Customers had Data and Text Massages Downloaded. 

--U Mich “Sentiment Index” Shows Consumers Lowering Confidence for the Future; High Prices Remain Biggest concern.  

--Networks Mis-Tout CPI Index Results. 

--Big Dem Donors Freeze About $90 Million Until Biden Leaves Race. (New York Times) 


In case you are one of those people who actually like Peas, it has been found that frozen peas are better than fresh! Peas are frozen at their peak sweetness, but fresh peas turn starchy fast. This was covered by chef Bobby flay and conformed m by many in the biz.  


The men's Wimbledon Championship final on Sunday looks like a very good classic with Alcaraz against Djokovic. On the women's side we have relative unknowns (Actually known ot relatives). But popular Jasmine Paolini versus Barbora Krejcikova, a seven seed against a 31, will be an exciting battle too. Not exactly Iga-Coco.  But it will be a rouser with all of Italy screaming for the very likeable Paolini. And Barbora didn’t get there by luck.   


“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” WS 


Lend me your ears, Department: 

I just remembered that it is about a week or so till the delicious fresh local corn starts hitting the roadside stands. That is the beginning of the end of summer. But it’s an ending that always tastes great! 


Bach's Brandenberg concertos make you want to get up and do something great  


Inflation is slowed but Prices aren't going down. We got what you see. And the new Consumer Confidence Index reflects the truth on the street; that the much-ballyhooed CPI minuscule dip in inflation growth did nothing to improve the consumer’s ability to afford basic needs.  


In Zimbabwe music artist 50 Cents is known as "Fifty trillion Zimbabwean Dollars!" Talk about inflation. 


What do you call a ceramic artist in need of a shave? Hairy Potter. 


And you thought this was a classy column, Fool you.


The Answer: 

Number One is Esurance followed by Liberty Mutual, State Farm, Progressive Geico, All State, USAA, Nationwide, AAA and #10 Farmers.Ive been with the #13 company for about 60 years, Amica, and it is the oldest Mutual insurance company.


Have a great Weekend e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


Here’s a tune that lets your mind wander wherever you want it to take you. Maybe it will bore you. Maybe you’ll find it’s too long. But I find it a beautiful journey, taking me to discoveries which are always there, and only need an uncluttered melody to take you there. 




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