Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is your sap flowing?

Today's Tids Issue 2,080
Opening Stuff:
I think the vitriolic politics in Washington is allowing the average person - Democrat, Moderate or Republican - to better understand each other’s opinions. Most people are closer in their thinking than the operatives with agendas would want you to believe. And, the more they create divisiveness, the more I believe people come together. But, that’s just me.

The sap is flowing in the venerable Maple again. Makes you feel that it won’t be long before your own juices shake out the Winter hibernation blues. But, hark…the sap is 15 days later than usual. Maybe this year it will take an additional Cadbury Egg to get you moving! And, that ain’t bad either.

The Question:
Under the Oscar statue there is a film reel with five spokes. Each spoke represents one group of film people. Which of the following are not on the five spokes? -- Composers, Technicians, Actors, Writers, Directors, Make-up Artists, Cinematographers and Producers.

The Headlines:
--The Prez Says Shut Up And Vote; New Strategy Moves Argument Between Democrats And The People; Many Dems Wary Of 0-Man’s Remarks.
--Somali Pirates Nab Spanish Fishing Ship.
--Cancer Society Casts Doubt On Effectiveness Of Prostate PSA Tests.
--63 Die In India Temple Stampede.
--Productivity Costs Up Sharply In Q-4 As Labor Costs Plunge.

Back to More Stuff:

Tension will wear you down much faster than strenuous exercise.

While we were watching Prime Time’s* 237 TV appearances this year, the States were accumulating $33 Billion in debt to the Feds. This is what they owe the kindly Big-G for its generosity in supplying needed money to supplement the growing unemployment benefits. Remember that word – “Unemployment”. So where do you think the states will go for the money? To the companies which are the sole source of sensible re-employment. In fact nationally, the average increase in unemployment taxes will be a massive 27%. That bodes well for an economic recovery, doesn’t it? These are the geniuses who want to run Health Care.

*Actually I rarely watch 0-Man’s TV efforts any more. It just made the sentence read better to say that.

I expect that most of you have seen those security cam vids of the 26 person assassin team in two hotel locations going after the targeted Hamas Chief. One of the first questions you had to have aske yourself is “Why would a professional, highly organized assassin team allow themselves to be so clearly video taped? And then you must be doubly puzzled when you learn that the team was probably from Israel’s Mossad group,. Convenience store thug, sure,. But the superb Mossad? Most observers with time to reflect think it was all purposely done as very graphic warning to enemies of Israel. “We can get you anywhere” was message. And when the sell the movie rights, it will pay for the operation.

It doesn’t surprise me that some people aren’t satisfied by the Toyota pedal fix. After all, the news networks have put a suggestion in their minds that there could be more.

Speaking of that, did you see that segment on ABC News showing an engineer introducing a short into the Toyota computer system? It looked interesting, and was cause for alarm. Then we learn that the film segment and engineer were supplied by the law firm for defendants in rapid acceleration cases. If you look carefully, you will see every night; ”news” items supplied by people with an agenda. It will only get worse as News divisions cut costs ala the big move just announced by ABC. Be wary. It is not all that you see. There is an Orca in the swimming pool.

Duh Headline of the Day Department:
“Productivity Costs Up Sharply In Q-4 As Labor Costs Plunge.” Reduced labor is always a part of the best formula for productivity improvement. It sucks for economic recovery, thought. But that is just the way Manufacturing is going right now in the US. It will probably be that way forever – Better, more flexible and versatile machines that require little manpower. It is one big reason why we can forget about returning to the great middle class of the 20th century.

The Novel:
Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 57. –Poor little Maggie/Sarah I thought as I drove back to Fosterville. I love my time with her. I love her mind. But I’m surprised how pliable she has become. It won’t hurt loving the woman responsible for the financing of the company. I smiled a bit to myself. I have to admit though; it was exciting almost getting caught in a hospital bed by a concerned husband. Paul’s a nice guy too. But, while he has been showing his attentive side these past several days, he will back consumed by his growing business soon. I’ll help him by taking care of his wife when I have the time. And, I’ll be sure my team keeps him busy too. God, I am devious. I pulled up to the sheriff’s office. I have to stay atop of the Bromsky affair. I walked in the door, and Henry looked up with those down home eyes, “Hi Kent.”
“Hi Henry”. How is the caper going?”
“Progress, Kent. Lots of progress.“
“Care to fill me in?” God, I hated playing these games with the cagy.
“There’s a lot going on. We have had no luck finding Bromsky. He could be in South America by now. We did find the kids, and bringing them back to their families is always a good feeling. That scene where we found them was a weird experience. The kids were all sedated, lying on these sterile tables in an ethereal setting with a lot of blues light adding to the strangeness. Tubes were running out of their arms to a series of instruments. We have doctors looking at them.
Sounds like a beautiful experiment, I thought. “That’s inhumane, Henry”.

Back to More Stuff Again:

I’m beginning to think that perhaps there are only five or six great white sharks around. These man-eaters had a pretty good gig going until the idea of tagging became prominent. Yesterday, scientists electronically located three of the giant beasts off of Jacksonville Florida. They were tagged last summer off Cape Cod. Just a couple of snowbirds trolling for fresh fish.

When the last kid goes off to college and the parents become empty nesters, it generally follows that they lose their nest egg.

You realize how insular we really are when learn that all of those soccer moms hauling kids from field to field have barely made a dent the world soccer race. Vans, yes. The top ten soccer countries are Spain, Germany, Italy, England, Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands, Portugal, France, Turkey. The US is making progress, but so are Japan and China.

Members of the Desarmmes family have to think that God is against them. Seeking refuge from the disaster in their homeland Haiti, they moved to Chile for refuge! Maybe they will win the lottery.

The Answer:
The five spokes are Actors, Directors, Writers Producers and Technicians. Amaze your friends!

The End:
Some of the best stuff ever written was discarded by great authors -- as irrelevant to their stories

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