Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Languishing is good.

Today's Tids Issue 2,090
Opening Stuff

Today, I think I will just languish. My mind needs a rest.

I am officially declaring that as of last night I stopped reading anything about Tiger Woods and The Masters.

The Question:
 What are the top rated TV shows in money earned? What are the top rated shows to date?

The Headlines:
--New Virus Enables Hackers To Steal Facebook Members’ Financial Passwords.
--European Stocks Slip As Potential For Greek Rescue Dims.
--Iraqi Election Results To Close To Call After 83% of Vote Counted.
--Kucinich Caves To Obama Pressure; Or Was It A bribe?
--CIA Says al-Qaida Leaders Forced Into Hiding Are Ineffective In Waging Their War.
--Fargo Residents Display Their Toughness Yet Another Spring.
--Dem Fence Sitters Trying To Rationalize Flip-Flop On HC Vote.
--US Urging China Cooperation Against Iran.
--Feds Bank Auditors Paid Big Bonuses During Go-Go Real Estate Bonanza.
--NCAA Tournament Begins Today.

Back to More Stuff:

Something is wrong in AI rating’s Land. Why else would Seacrest get in Cowells face. It’s the old sports Coach/Manager ploy – Get thrown out of the game to stimulate the troops.

And then – you have to wonder why for two weeks in a row American Idol’s Seacrest has failed to reveal the voting totals. Usually that has been a highlight of their boasting. So, maybe the votes are way down and people have lost interest in a show that has become repetitious. Or maybe they just miss Paula and hate Ellen. Personally I like some of the current bunch quite a bit. I was bummed at the dismissal of Lacy, when the very mediocre Tim was available for booting. My top tier is Syobhan, Chrystal, Katie, Aaron, Didi and Lee. Maybe it’s because I think they’ll be more apt to sing the kind of music I like.

The sooner people learn that the word entitlement is nowhere to be found in the constitution, the better the possibility that the US has a chance of returning to greatness.

The Tid’s NCAA Picks Department:
Here’s my Final Four – I picked on the basis that none of the big powers are as dominant as the ratings may imply. Oh there are good teams and bad teams as usual, but this year, the so-called good teams can be beaten by more so-called average teams than usual. Does this mean that Lehigh U has a shot at the Final Four? Probably not. Roll the drums Bracketman – The Sixteen: Kansas, Maryland, G-Town, The Ohio State, Cuse, UTEP, Pitt, Kansas State, Kentucky, Temple, Marquette, West “By God”, Louisville, Tex A&M, Baylor, Villanova. The Eight: Maryland, The OSU, Syr, Pitt, Kty, WV, Lou, Vil. The Four: The OSU, Syr, WV, Vill. The Two: Syracuse, WV. The One: West “By God” Virginia. I don’t stand a chance.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 60 continues. –Kent seemed to like his stage. He assured us that the experiments with the teens had not gotten to the point where there could have been some real danger. Most of what had happened was a long series of complex base line measurements of human DNA and cells from key areas critical to our product development. He pretty much directed his words to Izzy, but turned to me when he mentioned how important Paul’s company had become in their development program. I started to feel that perhaps he didn’t think he had to explain himself to me. That maybe he thought I was much to in love with him to protest.
“What is the status of the Bromsky team” I asked sharply. Maybe too sharply. Or maybe to remind him that I’m a pretty good financial manager too. He looked at me for a good 10 seconds. It was that intimidating look that I know he uses effectively in his meetings. Then he smiled just a little. It made me feel a little better. I hated this line I was walking. I have never had this complication ever before. It wasn’t me at all.
“We have interviewed them all thoroughly. I was personally involved. My big concern,” now he was himself and confident. “…my concern is that if these people lack the ethical judgment to get involved in secret human testing, how can this company trust them if we let them all go…or keep them.”
“What do you plan to do, Kill them,” I joked. He didn’t laugh.

The headline read, “Experts Debate Dangers of Wearing Popular Sheepskin Boots.”. I’m thinking some cuddly lamb lovers are starting a Public Relations campaign to slow the killing of these curly haired animals with the mesmerizing eyes. Of course, they are talking about Uggs and cheap imitations. And you may know that Uggs were first promoted to America by Rush Limbaugh, so his general dismissal of the animal crowd fits too. But, the story has nothing to do with sheepskin at all. It’s about the movement of the foot inside a loose fitting boot that has the critics in arousal. But then, maybe this is a subliminal ploy to slow down the killing of the lammykins. Or am I just paranoid about underlying motives of journalists.

After watching Orianthi as a guest superstar On AI last night, I was ready to call in to vote her off. Today’s singers are more about glitz than singing. It all goes back to Elvis who changed the way people look at entertainers -- A good wiggler doesn’t have to be a great warbler.

Hillary looked angry a couple of nights ago. Her visual venom was the result, it is said, of being asked to tone down her rhetoric against the so-called Israel poke in the American eye fiasco. That reminded a man I know of a story he was told by ex-Nebraska Senator Bob Kerry. During Netanyahu’s first reign, Kerry was peppering him in public with a series of questions that Bibi had no intention of answering. Upon returning home, Kerry’s first phone call came from his biggest financial backer warning him to lay off the PM. Apparently Netanyahu had called the backer saying that Kerry was crossing the line. The conservative Jewish organization is extremely well organized and a powerful lobby. People in the US Government tend to listen.

People have been borrowing casually on credit cards for so long that the word “Budget” has lost its meaning especially to people who think they are entitled to something.

Detroit probably looks more like Haiti than any other US city. And, probably has less cause for hope than the devastated island. Yesterday the City closed 44 schools.

The Answer:
The Tids reported last week that the future of “24” maybe in doubt as ratings decline. But, when it comes to money earned for the Networks “24” is #3! The top five are American idol, 2 ½ Men, 24, Grey’s Anatomy and “V”. The top rated shows to date are AI Tuesday, AI Wednesday, NCIS, Sunday Night Football, Dancing With Stars, Undercover Boss, The Mentalist, NCIS: La, Dancing Results and CSI.

The End:

So, the good news is that “24” has a chance of hanging in there. The bad news is that there is a rumor that Fox may hand it off to NBC who will have Jack Bauer singing Kumbaya after voting for Obama. And that his main mission will be trying to win the Peace Prize.

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