Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, June 1, 2020

Anecdotal America.

Today's Tids Issue 4,663

Get it all out:


After all these years you may realize by now that I just love June. You know that June, the month which is “Bustin’’ out all Over…!” The month that rhymes with cool stuff like swoon and moon and spoon and lots of colorful balloons drifting above a crystal-clear blue-aqua lagoon! This year there will be fewer brides and carousel rides. And national park guides. And a bit less graduation pride. But, the sun will shine and flowerful vines will climb, and the month will continue to be pleasantly sublime. And I will, as usual, blow out candles which is a win for this Gemini twin. But sadly, if candles smoke causing atmospheric choke, and the colorful balloons descend to crystal clear lagoons and kill, maybe June is not what it used to be. Not, it’s usual thrill.  I’m succumbing to voices shrill. Alas, And I was so happy just four mere lines ago.


After the glib surgeon removed a patient’s leg above the knee, he said, it won’t be long now.


The left wants diversity, except in ideas.


The latest RCP (Real Clear Politics) averages on the 2020 Presidential campaign (Remember that?) are kind of interesting. The RCP national average has it Biden 47.7 to Trump 42.4. They have Joe at 183 electoral College votes to Trump at 124. But, here’s the kicker. They also report National betting odds. The odds have it Trump 49.5 to Joe 44.8. Long way to go, though. What do bookies know? Of the four battleground states -- Wi, Pa, NC and Fl -- Biden leads Comfortably in Pa and decently in Fl and Wi. Trump has an edge in NC. The numbers also show the GOP leading for the Senate 49-45 and Dems in the house 213-190. Unless something dramatic occurs, The Repubs will have a problem regaining the house, so they had better hold onto the Senate. Because the presidency is up in the air.


Some are concerned that the Stock Markets are reflecting hope more than reality.


The Question:

In what Beatles’ album do we find “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”? Bonus: Who was Norma Mortenson?



--Markets In Positive Territory At Mid-Morning; US/China Relations Latest Driving Force; City Riots Also Contributing To Uncertainty.

--Mortgages Hit Another All-Time Low.

--Nights Of Peaceful Protests, Anger, Looting Burning Continue Across Us; Protestors Get Cl0se To White House, Fight Police And Secret Service Agents; President Briefly Moved To Underground Bunker.

--Trump To Designate Antifa “Terrorist Organization”; ACLU Says No.

--NBA Shooting For July 31 Restart.


The reporting of big national, unconscionable horror stories like the atrocious Floyd murder generally does get out of hand, and you wonder where all of the sensible editors have gone. Like Saturday morning when I read the bold black front-page headline, “Minnesota is Burning”. The whole state? I thought back to many other, just plain exaggerated headlines like all of those that indict all police or an entire nation as having lost its soul. Yes, lots of reporting is like narrow camera angles that show but a fraction of the picture. And stories based on the pathos of one. We all shudder at the inhumane evil of one, but it shouldn’t be an indictment of all. But that’s what happens, and ten real message is often lost.


Did you know that in 2017, India had 362,308 seasonal flu deaths? The USA had 40,905.


There is no truth to reported rumors that some big box stores in an effort to soothe the nerves of disease anxious shoppers are putting Vodka and Tequila in the hand sanitizing stations. So, if you are seeing shoppers with little white townlets hanging out of their mouths, you know you are in one of those comfort stores.


Many of the sensible editors are getting retirement packages so cash strapped publishers can hire those less expensive fresh-out-of- journalism school reporters. Much too much enthusiasm.


When I was 25 to 30, I thought I was smarter than experienced adults in business. Then it took me a couple of decades to learn what I didn’t know. It is obvious that today’s young generation is incredibly smart, but life to come will teach them a lot more than they think they already know. Probably faster than ever, if they keep their eyes and ears open.


I think I still have a little time left to figure it all out.


Through cavalier over usage, especially with today’s mass communication vehicles, a lot of formerly significant terms have lost their meaning. I think the latest term to have jumped the shark is, “Expert”. All sides of issues have experts who never agree with the opponent’s expert information.


Although, I still like to hope that surgeons are experts.


One thing that bothers me is the Covid statistics being reported in absolute numbers. You constantly hear the numbers that the US had 1,837,830 Cases and 106,208 Deaths (Up to the minute I wrote this). But perhaps the case number is higher in the US because the testing is far wider at 17,923,108 than any other country. Russia is next at 10.6 million. But, maybe more significant is that the US “Confirmed Case Fatality Rate” is a respectable 5.81%. That places the US at 17th among all reporting countries. The top Double-Digit Death rate countries in percentages are Belgium (18.2%), France, Italy, UK, Netherlands, Sweden and Mexico (11.17%).  So, that’s the way it is, not necessarily the way it is reported. The other aspect of statistical analysis I would like to see is more in-depth demographic breakdowns of cases and deaths, you know, like usable numbers that would allow analysts to draw conclusions on how to better fight this disease. Why some groups and some places get hotter than others. From data solutions arise. I am sure that the data exists by now, but nobody is talking. Are we being hampered by political correctness?


Note: 5.81% Case to fatality rate is a good number statistically, but very bad to those who passed and those left to mourn. See, there are things that can be viewed 180 degrees apart, diametrically opposed, and still be entirely true.


The Answer:

L in the S with D was from my favorite Beatles album – “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely-Hearts Club Band”. Bonus: If I had written Norma Jean Mortenson, you probably would have guessed Marilyn Monroe.


By the way, colorful balloons hovering above crystal clear lagoons may never swoop down to kill nor will candles lit in celebration destroy the world They were just mere anecdotal examples. I am still extremely happy, and quite lyrical. Just in case you are interested. Happy June. I wish it rhymed with rich creamy chicken gravy.

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