Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, November 2, 2020

Visions Of Sugar Plums?


Today's Tids Issue 4,767

It Isn't Christmas:


Happy November, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! Or should I wait until whenever next week to see if everybody is happy when the vote is finally in. That is if happiness to you is a political victory. Let’s hope that we will be thankful for a lot more than that, a mere political victory, regardless of side. Because in the grand scheme of things there is so much more to be thankful for on this earth than the success of a politician. I think I will be thankful for the idea that retail outlets might be cutting back on cutting into one of the great family days of our year, Thanksgiving. This year November might be called Reality Month, as we all live under that disease that didn’t go away over time. Yes, there will be a new reality this month that normally is just a pleasant respite before the icy winters. When we all happily sit back as that last leaf disappears. And for me, getting out my plaid flannel shirts again. And this year I think happiness might be all about like things like that, maybe just watching a squirrel scampering to stock up food for a long winter. The world always goes on well beyond the noise. November, The Revitalization Month.


I wish we still could burn leaves by the side of the road.


One of our most brilliant readers tells me she wants to get on the road that Saul in the bible was on – the Road to De-Mask-Us!


Well, I guess I have to recognize that there is an election tomorrow, even though more than half of America has already voted. That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 2020 election weirdness. Voters are mainly learning about what’s wrong with each candidate and not what either new admin will do for them. Voting against character flaws instead of what’s good for people. Remember people? There are idle threats about what will be taken away over what will be made better. And old Joe promises that he will unify America. Has he looked at his VP lately? There is a lot festering beneath the surface in America, and this election at all levels could reveal what grand USA institutions could be decomposing.


They say that one of the signs of having Covid is Chills. What if you are just basically an emotional romantic person who gets chills all the time?


I laughed at the “Shoe” comic: “What do you get when a werewolf marries ab vampire? A bloodhound.”


“These pages won’t wilt under cancel-culture Pressure”. That was the response of the Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board to 280 colleagues in the newsroom who demanded that the always conservative opinion page editors bend to their will, a newsroom often described as more liberal than the NY Times. There are too many wars in the USA right now. And this is just another one where two under the same roof can’t find agreement. Two who have enormous per to sway the public.


The Question:

Who is “Ivy Mike”? Bonus: Here are five words or phrases. Rearrange the letters to get a phrase that is relevant to the original: George Bush, Dormitory, Slot Machine, Eleven Plus Two, and Snooze Alarms.


The Headlines: 

--Rest of America Going To Polls Tomorrow; Voting Stats To Date: Total Early Vote – 95,365,308; In-Person – 34,880,970; Mail Ballots Returned 60,484,338; Mail ballots Outstanding – 30,873,672; Of 21 States With Party Registration Data – 21,255,228 Dems, 14,243,711 Repubs.

--Markets Bouncing Back Ahead Of Election Day; US Manufacturing Posts Strong Gains; Construction Spending Up In Sept.

--Today’s New Yahoo/YouGov Poll Has Biden Up By Ten; Trump Prefers Rasmussen Poll; Repubs Hoping For Big Surprise From Shy, Silent Trump Supporters; Biden Pa Support Declines.

--China Investment Community Paying Big Premiums To Get On Board Jack Ma’s Ant Group IPO; China Securities Watch Dog Taking A Peek At Process.

--Edward Snowden Applying For Russia Citizenship.


The newest Dem talking point bubbling up in the last few days is, “If Trump gets reelected, he must have cheated.”


They say RI is leading the way, but many states seem to be following in bringing law suits against Big Oil for creating climate Change? Say what? It’s just another big money grab by political leaders who don’t know how or won’t live within their own budgets. Just another form of wealth redistribution.


I just watched Kamala’s Equality vs Equity Commercial, And Kar; Marx couldn’t have written it better.


But my inner advertising sense says to me that the new Biden commercial narrated by Sam Elliott over a solo piano playing the Star Spangle Banner with scenes of Americana is a good one for the days before an election. It nicely done p depicting a wonderful America… that Kamala would like to change.


If the states win, you can be sure Pols ae will tell people, look how I have reduced your taxes. Of course, what they won’t say is that gas prices will now go up through the moon roof. And also, not tell you that they have succeeded in making inefficient high-priced alternative energy sources look cheaper a by comparison. It Is all just a big board game, and we are the pawns.


If to get a headache listening to politicians, is that Covid?


Because of Covid it is possible that worldwide,197,000,000 tourism workers could lose their jobs. Now that is truly globally destructive.


Countries and Terror organizations that start wars against the US aren’t looking for peaceful negotiations, but only surrender. I remember that LBJ in 1968 stopped bombing North Viet Nam hoping for peace negotiations. How’d that work out, agent orange victims.


If you get chills at the end of a symphony, is that Covid?


In RI and probably in other states there are many good solid Democrats.  Now though, the aggressive left has latched on to using the Democratic Party to insert themselves in local, state and national governments at all levels. Liberals posing as democrats a are actually a Third party.  But the Communist Party, Green Party and Workers World party just wasn’t getting done for them.


“Keeping colleges closed this Fall is far more likely to stop the spread of Communism than e spread of Covid.’


I’m hearing that a lot of people Saturday night set their clocks back to 2019.


The Answer:

Sorry, I just said “Who” is Ivy Mike to throw you off. Elections make feel evil. Actually “Ivy Mike” is an it, and was the first US Hydrogen Bomb, exploded in 1952 on Eniwetok Island of the Marshall Islands. Bonus: George Bush gives us “He Bugs Gore”,  Dormitory naturally is “Dirty Rom”, Slot Machine would be “Cash lost in me”, Eleven Plus Two strangely is “Twelve plus One”, and Snooze Alarms is “Alas! No more Z’s”.


In reality, tomorrow is all about the “Hate Trump” factor. It officially began November 9, 2016 out of delusion over Hillary’s loss. He, the President himself contributed to the dismay over his years. And it was embellished. How deep is it really across the spectrum of all voters, versus how voters see their own America? That is the question.


“I have never trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I have never met a women in my life who would give up lunch for sex.” –Irma Bombeck


Democracy is the counting of heads, regardless of contents.”

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