Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Peanuts, hotdogs!


Today's Tids Issue 4,844

Baseball is still America:

Tomorrow is one of the shiniest days of the year. Just in case today you need something to look forward to. The smack of baseballs thrown hitting catchers’ mitts. And later, that crack of the bat as balls fly, as infielders dive, and outfielders leap gracefully into the air to snag. Yes, baseball season is with us again tomorrow. 21,000 baseballs are ready and 60 cases of sunflower seeds will keep the jaws achompin’. But, where’s the cracker Jax?


Just so everybody is clear, I’m putting my glasses on.


I am seriously interested in the arrival of “Perseverance” on Mars around ow after a 292,000,000 M mile journey. It is a huge human achievement if it works as planned. Ill try to keep up with the reports and give you updates. [It will be a little deeper reporting thana “The Voice” singer reviews :o)] It will plunge into Mars' thin air at more than 20,000km/h (12,500 mp/h) and it will have to reduce speed to a near-walking pace by the time it reaches the surface. The robot's protective shell and heat shield will do most of the work of slowing down the entry through Mars' atmosphere, but a supersonic parachute and a rocket jetpack, or "Sky crane", will be needed for the last three minutes of braking and landing. NASA Engineers are calling it “7 Minutes of Terror” as they attempt to land in Jezero Crater (Once a full lake of water.) Stay tuned.


There’s no truth to the rumor that its design is based on a Roomba vacuum cleaner.


The Question:

What is the only food that doesn’t spoil? Bonus: What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common?


The Headlines:

--Dow And Techs Fall Sharply in A; New Housing Starts Disappoint As Building Permits Soar; Jobless Claims Reverse Positive Trend To Fall Back Above 800K; Markets rebounding Some Towards Closing.

--Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger Updates US On Solar Winds Hack Job; Says It Compromised Government And Private Industry Computer Systems; Says Hack Was Backed By Russia.

--Prez Joe B Calls Bebe.

--It Is Now Projected That Covid Will Reduce New Born Babies In America By 500K; Economists Are Calling It “Demographic Time Bomb”.

--Thousands Of Sea Turtles “Cold Stunned” in Texas Winter Waters.

--Northeast Looking At Two Day Snow Storm; 500K In Texas Still Without Power.


The French are waking up to the realization of how their government will pay for all the Pandemic largess that includes workers being paid to stay home. The French National debt has now exceeded 120% of the economy. Even the EU has been breaking strict rules that limited extraordinary debt as a result of Austerity moves to quell reckless spending in Italy and Greece. Nobody here in the USA seems to realize that a trillion here, a trillion there tends to add up to the potential for a house of cards economy.


If you were a group trying to diminish the power of the USA and undermine is enlightened ideas of freedom and patriotic pride and unity, what would you do? I’d find a way to infiltrate the schools where the ideology seeds for future generations can be planted. That is a big reason why I am against federal mandated school programs. Local is best.


I lost my girlfriend’s audiobook. Now I’ll never hear the end of it.


There is a nice little basketball player for the University of Rhode I island who is pretty dam exciting to watch. He has been since he Literally first walked on the court almost 4 years ago; from his first magical drive to the hoop, to his first deep three pointer. His name is Fatts Russell. His mom named Fatts because he was a chubby baby. He is far from that now at 5 feet 10 inches and 165 pounds. I mention this because this kid is fun, is very good and has heart, but his size may limit his career going forward. There are lots of truly skilled athletes who don’t make the pros in several sports because mystical arbitrary height and weight qualifiers. So, with Fatts I’m paying tribute to all of them.


Dems will call it Biden’s “Immigration” reform. But the libs have always called “Illegal” Immigration an Immigration problem, It is a law enforcement problem pure and simple, If they would honestly define it by dealing with law breakers entering the country, they would not even have to talk about immigrations reform. This is indeed one of the great hoaxes of our lifetime.


A Commander walks into a bar and orders everyone around.


Some Dems would probably excoriate me for not being deferential to the presidency by calling our President, Prez Joe B. But as I recall Dems used the word hate and worse referring to George B. I’m tired of sanctimonious.


Maybe if we abolished the word “Hate” we would have a chance to get along. Hate is such a definitive word and there is absolutely nothing good about it. It tends to make a lot of good people look thoughtless.


I was watching Maxine Water’s Congressional committee interview propels in the GameStop saga. It must be tough for some of these financial CEO’s to answer questions from people who don’t really understand the question nor eve Government rules that regulate financial transactions.


The Answer:

The only food that doesn’t spoil is Honey. Bonus: The four products -- Bullet Proof Vests, Laser Printers. Fire Escapes and Windshield Wipers were all invented by women. Yay, women.


I think it’s time to clean my lap top. Why else would the Tids be getting out later and later. Slow keys.


Batter Up!!

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