Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Where puns come to die


Today's Tids Issue 4,843

Talk Man:


When you think about it, the media is basically a vicious group of tormenting rascals. Just when people with the advent of vaccinations start to believe they are beginning to see a little hope, a small flicker of light at the end of nightmare Covid tunnel, the press starts hounding us with a drumbeat of reports on the appearance of the dreaded “The Variant”. Sounds like a good title for medical sci-fy Movie.


When I told my contractors I didn’t want carpeted steps, they gave me a blank stare.


President Joe B said yesterday that he is tired of talking about Trump, and he won’t any more… that is until he needs to blame him for something that goes wrong in his Admin.


You know you are getting old when you think that Spotify is a carpet cleaning service.


It isn’t?


Rush Limbaugh was one great American character. Love him or hate him, he was very good at what he did. I thought he made many great points over the decades, and he s certainly changed the face of talk radio. No question about that. There were lots of pretenders, but there was only one Rush Limbaugh.



The Question:

The four kings in a deck of cards a represent 4 real kings of history. Who are they?


The Headlines:

--Dow Closes At Record High; Nasdaq Falters As Techs Take Breather; Retail Sales Rose A strong 5’3% In January.

--Rush Dies From Lung Cancer; He Was Seventy.

--Fauci Says Impossible To Vaccinate All Teachers Before School Opens.

--North Koreans Charged In Massive Cryptocurrency Scam.


I remember way back thinking when reading books like 1984 and Brave New World, jeez, I’d never want to live in a world like that. Government suppression is one of my biggest uncontrollable external fears.. But, this is what intrigues me now. Real honest people gladly allow apps on their phones that can trace every move they make. Then they complain that Google, Facebook and “The Swamp” is taking away their privacy.


“Dad, are we pyromaniacs? “Yes, we arson.”


All of a sudden, The Tids has become “Bad Joke Central”. Politics will do that to you.


DT Trump has made a lot of bad strategy moves over the years. Doesn’t he realize that an ego Third party for him will virtually assure Democratic power for decades.


Do the brains of geniuses have a half-life? Bill Gates said “All rich nations should move to 100% synthetic beef to combat climate change.” First all of the big tech companies start stealing your life’s data and now are on the way to dismiss a basic joy of life – luscious rich red meat. I see in a gloomy future where we wretched meat romantics will be crawling an Earth made barren by solar panels on every acre, being hounded by laughing lettuce lovers. It’s time to stand up and take a stand. Real meat or die.”


So is the that the way socialists are going to bring down the rich – make them eat fake meat?


One example of the power of Rush Limbaugh can be found in that George Bush1 versus Bill C election. I believe that RL’s rants were a major reason that George HW Bush lost to sexy Bill. Forget the Carville magic Hype. Limbaugh beat him down with tag “Moderate”. I was a big GHWB Fan. I heard and it still makes me mad today.


McConnell mad it possible for Trump to nominate and have three conservative SC justices approved, and he ushered through a a massive tax bill. Trump lost the senate for McConnell. And Trump is calling McConnell a “dour, sullen and unsmiling political hack…”


And some Repubs think it’s a good idea to have Trump start a third party?


Doctor Fauci says, “Lockdown is the only way to keep you safe. Jeffery Epstein says, “Really?”


The Answer:

The Four Kings are: King David – Spades; Charlemagne – Hearts; Alexander the Great – Clubs; Julius Caesar – Diamonds.


I’m trying to organize a hide and seek tournament, but good players are really hard to find.

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