Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Blinded by glittering sun.


Today's Tids Issue 4.750

Soothed by cool breezes:


Do you get the feeling that the USA right now is in Limbo?


The left has had enough of the cities they have let become chaotic uncontrolled societies. The big new statistic is showing blue state people are looking seriously at a mass migration to sensible red States. Where will red state people move? Yikes!


Did you hear about the tennis player with the faulty service?


My latest big headache comes from trying to follow all of these lines of reasoning in defense of or against all of the new voting schemes and proposals. It’s straitjacket time for me


The Question:

What was the first “Talking Picture” (Sound movie) and who was the star?


The Headlines:

--Stocks Higher, Drifting Awaiting Powell Pronouncement and Stimulus Progress News.

--Trump Tells People Not To be Afraid Of Covid; CDC Finally Acknowledges Airborne Spread Of Covid.

--Gulf Coast Preparing Again For Big Hurricanes, This time Named Delta.

--Biden Holds Town Hall Meeting.


There is a new TV show premiering on Fox Network tonight called “Next”. It is by the creators of “24”, one of my all-time favorite shows. Period. I remember boring Tids readers to tears with episode reviews in 24’s heyday. The is new one is a Silicon Valley mystery as scientists try to stop a wayward Artificial Intelligence program, or something like that. Sounds perfect to me.


I see where Tasmanian Devils have returned to the Australian wilds after 3,000 years. I guess if we wait long enough, global cycles will be completed and everything eventually takes care of itself.


More and more legal authorities are supporting Amy Coney Barret as a pretty savvy legal mind and certainly b not the wild-eyed closed mind conservative monster as portrayed by the left. She is probably just what this country needs.


This hurricane season is sounding more like Fraternity/Sorority Row on campuses.


Joe Biden really does utter some incoherent stuff. The latest, “People were able to quarantine because some black woman stocked grocery shelves.” I’m not saying that president is a caretaker of coherent communications, either.


When I write about politics its more about my interpretation of strategy. I like that. It’s not necessarily about supporting or not supporting the President. But, I am one hundred percent in support of the Repub senate. The best strategy of all.


BTW, my letters from readers and conversations around my circle of acquaintances across the country have people firmly believing Trump will win again.



The Answer:

The first movie with sound was in 1927. It was The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson. Today teg eat singer and entertainer would be banned.


I just burned 2,000 calories --not by writing the Tids. It’s because I left the brownies in the oven while I napped.

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