Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, December 4, 2020

A hand to hold.


Today's Tids Issue 4,790

Thinking through Covid:


This is probably a good Christmas tree shopping weekend. It’s about 2 and a half weeks to Christmas, and generally a good time put peddle down in the annual race to achieving max Christmas spirit.


Covid is good for lovers!! Engagement ring sales are out of sight. Maybe the younger generations are discovering free and easy is lacking in something, that life is a lot more than a smart phone pal or three. That having somebody to come home to is pretty essential in life. Not knowing a future does that to people.


What disease did cured ham actually have?


Biden signaled yesterday that is big Inauguration plea will be asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days. Doesn’t quite measure up to “Ask not what your country can do for you…” JFK; “Old truths have to be relearned, untruths have to be unlearned…” FDR; “Much has been given to us, Much will be rightfully expected from us…” Teddy; “But, every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle….” TJ; “In this recent crisis, Government is not the solution to our problems; Government is the problem” RR; “There is nothing wrong with America that can’t be cured with what is right with America…” BC; “…The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” FDR; “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right...” Abe.


The most popular store in my area seems to be Lulu Lemon. What’s that all about.


The Question:

I really enjoyed the books (Or, was that the Classic Comic books?) of James Fennimore Cooper as a young lad. Name five of his best.


The Headlines:

--US Economy Adds 245,000 Jobs In November, Smallest In 7 Months; Well Below 460K Excepted And October Revised Number Of 610K; Unemployment Drops To 6.7%; Markets Stay In Positive Territory Despite Lower Numbers.

--AMC Theater Group Starts Urgent Talks With Warner Brothers To Stream All New Movies On HBO Max.

--Repubs Increasingly Nervous Over Trump Messing Up Georgia Vote.

--Brexit Talks Entering Critical Period; Chances Of Deal Receding.


You all may wonder why in this new world of “get the rich guy” I always lead off the Headlines Department with Stock market news. Well, I have this silly idea, that the economy is somewhat essential to a strong America, to the health and welfare of all Americans. Despite what the hypocritical give-away artists in government and academic think tanks say, creative entrepreneurship is what drives America.


Diversity is just yesterday’s affirmative action. The left is good at redefinitions.


Does Government have a thing against small independent business? Or do they just live in a theoretical bubble? Many governors have decreed to add many severe new restrictions starting now which just happens to be the annual most critical three-week sales period for retail and entertainment businesses. How do they sleep at night?


Why do you have to “put your two cents in”… but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts”? Where is that extra penny going?


Just one man’s opinion, Department:

Women look more striking in dresses. I mean, I don’t mind slacks, but dresses are just something a little special. Of course, anything is better than those fake-holed jeans.


This diversity thing is going haywire. I’m hearing that he new big push from progressives is to be divers in the colleges that admin appointees come from. Ivies and elite colleges are out. Everyman (And woman) colleges are in. Now I believe that smart people are everywhere, and the best and brightest can come from Podunk U. But it is also a pretty reliable assumption to believe that eh smartest high school kids vie for the top universities. So, maybe government will be devoid of the brainiacs which means there are more available for businesses and the economic forces that drive our economy.


A lot of people are trying to recreate 1950’s home interiors and exteriors. Looking back, they may have been some of the most uninteresting trends of the century.


The Answer:

Probably my favorite was the Last Of the Mohicans. Loved Uncus and his dad Chingachgook. The rest were The Deerslayer, The Pathfinder, the Pioneers, The Prairie, The Spy. The Red Rover and the Pilot: A tale of the Sea. They were known as the Leatherstocking tales.


I think I may have mentioned this before, but major events like this interruptive Covid thing makes us think a little deeper about what we may be taking for granted in life; what’s really important in the grand scheme of daily routines..  


So, in closing, I would wish you to sleep like a baby. Does that mean I’m expecting you to awaken every 4 hours? Waaaah!


Have a Great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!






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