Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

UPS, pretzels and being positive.


Today's Tids Issue 4,808

On being proud:


I have always admired UPS. I was worried when FedEx came along to cast doubts about their future. But I think UPS did about as good a job as possible recognizing new opportunities and turning themselves into a modern force in logistics. You have to admire anything or anybody who could easily accept being contented in their ways, but allowing themselves to at least explore options which may eventually lead to discovering something always there that you never knew existed.


I like all companies who didn’t give into Covid, who didn’t use Covid  as an excuse for not doing well, but readjusted their efforts to make Covid restrictions work for them.


Year in Review, Department:

Dems and media criticized Trump. Stock markets soared. Media goes frenetic when Trump was impeached. The Senate acquitted Trump. The stock market soared. Economy assures DT second term. In classless exercise, Nancy tore up Prez State of the Union speech. Covid was discovered. Stock markets melt down. George Floyd dies. Activists burn down neighborhoods and small businesses. Covid kills. Media criticizes Trump. Biden Beats Trump. The Patriots failed to make the playoffs. Covid shut down the country. Vaccines were approved and first shots given. Happy New Year.


New Years Resolution: Something that goes in one year and out the other.


The Question:

Name Ten of the most famous people born on New Year’s Day


The Headlines:

--Stocks M Rises As R Year End Seasons Approach.

--McConnell Offers New Bill With $2K Payouts; Also Includes Repeal Of Section 230 And Authorized Commission To Study Voter Fraud.

--UK and EU Sign Brexit deal.

--US Sends B-52’s To Middle East In Response To Possible Iran Rumblings of Retaliation For Death Of Qassem Soleimani; Anniversary of US Killing Is January 3.

--US Covid Cases Approaching 20 Million, 350 K Deaths; Worldwide: 82 Million Cases, 1.78 Million deaths.

--UN Says Trump Pardon Of Blackwater Contractors Violates International Law.


You know I’m a Cheeto’s guy, but I am easily swayed by a great pretzel. It’s good to be flexible in life. Cauliflower chips, not so much.


An astute reader thinks Tim Conway should be on the best Standup comic’s list from yesterday. Bada Bing! Tim thought everybody should always just laugh.


“If only my folks had beaten me, I could have gotten some material about my miserable childhood. But as it is, I’ve had a great life.” –Tim Conway


Don’t you think that’s interesting, what Tim said. Do you get the impression today that to many people try to apologize for having happy childhood, a good life in general?


Expect to see more drones in the neighborhood now that Congress has tighten laws about just who can use them publicly, and how. Amateurs are out. Pros with a purpose are in. Permission will be granted to legitimate companies for specific business applications including, if required, flying over neighborhoods at night. It is expected that we will be seeing more drones in the skies, and frustrated hawks. All drones will be identifiable from the ground by law enforcement reading f digital license plates. Hobbyists will be excluded from general neighborhood usage, meaning it’s ok to sunbathe on the back deck again.


So did you hear about the guy who wanted to make love on his Honda Civic, but his girlfriend said if we are going to do it, it has to be my own Accord


“When you step on the brakes, your life is in your foot’s hands.” GC


You have give proper credit for Middle east efficiency. They have figured out that you don’t need to waste “U’s” after “Q’s”


Social Security is having a date for New Years Eve.


The Answer:

Well, the number one person to me is American legendary hero Paul Revere. And right after Paul we have the woman who gave us Old Glory, Betsy Ross.  Then we have the devil himself, Idi Amin. There was also Frank Langella, a Barry Goldwater, Ron Pearlman, Omar al-Bashir, Eden Riegel (All My Children), Don Novello, Jason Pierre Paul and Ty Hardin.


To disregard the negative is naïve. but to seek out negatives is debilitating.


“I often warn people: ‘Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, ‘There is no ‘I’ in team.’ What you should tell them is, ‘Maybe not. But there is an ‘I’ in independence, individuality, and integrity.” – George Carlin

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