Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, December 29, 2020



Today's Tids Issue 4,807

Laughing through Covid:


Now that the Dem controlled house has passed the Trump inspired $2K payment addendum to the stimulus package, it has put the GOP Senate between a rock and a hard place with respect to the upcoming Georgia all-important Senate race: Be irresponsible with spending or give the Dems a campaign point that could have them sweeping the Peach State. Peaches grow on trees, Money doesn’t. But not enough care.


I have never liked that phrase, “Between a rock and a hard place”. Sorry I used it on you.


I believe getting out of the house alone or with somebody is essential to survival during Covid. 6 degrees outside will feel phenomenal compared to sitting in a house all day.

“Electricity is really just organized Lightening.’  --George Carlin



What two US Senators went to the same High School? Bonus: Who are the Ten Funniest standup comedians of all time?


The Headlines:

--Looks like Profit Taking In Early Training; Markets Static.

--GOP Pollster Frank Luntz Say Trump Covid Payment Increase “Is One Hell Of A Nightmare,” For Republicans In Georgia.

--Winter Storms To Pummel West And North Midwest.

-- Repubs Sue Repub VP Mike Pence As Last Desperate Action From “Election Fraud Crowd”.

--LA County Hospitals Overrun With Covid Patients.

--Biden Accuses Trump Admin Of Blocking Full Access To National Security Info; Admin Counters Saying They Have Been More Forthcoming Than Many Previous Admins.


Up here in Patriots land everybody is crying over the QB problem (Lack of TB12) going forward. But what I’m seeing is a defense gthat is like a sieve, being confused by schemes like Belichick used to confuse other teams. This Pats team needs a lot more than a QB. Frankly I think it will be fun, though disheartening at times, watching the Pats rebuild. Sorry, but the editor gets to pick the subjects, and I like my Pats.


“Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.”  --George Carlin.


(That has always been one of my favorites. I don’t know why)


I mean, politics has become outrageously funny, in a tragic sort of way. The headline about Repubs suing Mike Pence just blows my mind. I’m thinking of a SNL skit for sure. This frantic action has to do with Pence’s position as in a ceremonial role of presiding over the Electoral College results. The whacky concept is that Pence with that “power” could have given the election to DT. Yes, wackiness at its finest.


I’m quite tired of TV news people reporting the obvious as news.


Maybe we should bar all lawyers from seeking US government jobs like in Congress. Who cares if they know how to write and interpret laws? Every other non-gov lawyer is always trying to get around them. I think we should be electing people instead. You know, with hearts and common sense… and free to think beyond party mandates. And for sure, term limit them.


I think it will be interesting to see what legal actions will arise after thee Trumpster leaves office. I wonder whatever happened to that Trump Company insider accountant who supposedly knew where all the bodies were buried since almost the beginning of the real estate mpire, and who has been said to have been interviwed by many prosecutors.


From a Reader, Department:

Q. What is an 'Economic Stimulus' payment?

A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?

A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

A. Only a smidgen of it.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China?

A. Shut up!!


The author of the above goes on to point out that spending the stimulus money on most of the popularly consumed products will be good for Arabia, Korea, Mexico, Guatemala, Taiwan and Sri Lanka, and Off-shore banks sheltering management bonuses. So looking at what is left at American manufacturers and services, he says, “Go to a ball game with a tattooed prostitute that you met at a yard sale and drink beer and eat cookies all day!


“Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.”  --George Carlin


The Answer:

The two senators from the same high school are Bernie and Chuck. Yes, Sanders and Schumer went to James Madison HS in Brooklyn NY. Bonus: I always liked Bob Newhart. He is Number 25. Number One is George Carlin! I could agree with that. #2 is Richard Pryor followed by Robin Williams, Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Louis CK, Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Martin and at Number 10, Bill Burr. Going to 25 we have Rodney Dangerfield, Mitch Hedberg, Kevin Hart, Jim Gaffigan, Don Rickles, Lewis Black, Ricky Gervais, Stephen Wright, Bill Hicks, bill Cosby, Jim Carrey, Norm Macdonald, Redd Foxx and #24, Bernie Mac. Id rate Gervais Higher just because of what he does to Hollywood Celebs. And Jim Carrey would not be on my list at all. I’d add Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy. A guy who is really missing to me is Jonathon Winters. He just makes me smile when he walks on stage. Then there is Bob Hope who was everywhere for five or decades. I’d have Bill Cosby higher. He had some great routines. Comedy is another of those personal taste things, like Pizza.


The world of politics is writing most of the best comedy sketches these days.


“Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.” –George Carlin



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