Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Ode to joy.

Today's Tids Issue 4,793

8 Candles; New discoveries:


Happy Birthday to Beethoven. Schroeder is happy. Lucy isn’t. Beethoven really changed the way people listened to music, at least in the mind of amateur musicologist. My first ever symphony recrdi ng was his 7th. It is still one of the best with some nice cool moments, though not perhaps on the front of everybody’s top ten. One of the saddest, yet inspiring tales is how Ludwig being deaf never really heard the premier of his great 9th. But they say he could sense the vibrations from all of the resounding applause.

Be prepared for lines from Alfred Lord Tennyson today. Like, “It’s better to have tried and failed than to live wondering what would have happened if I tried.” --ALT


Tomorrow at sundown begins the 8-day celebration of Hanakkuh. It’s the Jewish Holiday that commemorates the rededication in 165 BC of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Maccabees after its destruction by the Syrians. It has become known as the “Festival of Lights. Some in the Jewish community are saying this year, “Embrace the light; findn the joy in little things. In this period of 8 days, now perhaps one of discovery, a Covid Hanukkah reminds us that we should never lose sight of the fact that Judaism begins at home. That in these times, home has become a secure place among the unseen threat, and little blessings have been discovered through overcoming tough hardships and difficult challenges. Giving to family, giving to others, are freely the result looking beyond confinement. With 8 days of one new Candle each day Hanakkuh with be one new light shown upon a world that needs more love.


Chuck Yeager was one of those great American pioneers. A lot of what has been great abut America has come from those who are willing to go the extra miles, even in the face of grave personal danger. We need wild and crazy guys and gals, despite what their teachers may have said about their antics in class. Chuck is flying way above us today.


What bugs me today is following a driver who has no concept of making it through a green light before it changes.


If I had a flower for everytime I thought of you… I could walk through a garden forever.”  --ALT


The Question:

Name three works of Alfred Lord Tennyson.


The Headlines:

--Stocks Go Red After Early Morning Move Upward Bounce On Stimulus Hopes; Investors Look Forward To IPO Week Featuring DoorDash, Airbnb and AbCelera.

--FTC And 48 States Sue Facebook For Abie Of Monopoly Power; Could Be Forced To Digest Instagram And WhatsApp.

--US Supreme Curt Declines To Accept Pa Voter Case; Nevada SC Rejects GOP Attempt To Block Biden Victory.

--Cal Judge Says Health Officials Must First Produce Risk/Benefit Analysis Before Arbitrarily Closing Down Businesses.

--Pennsylvania School Principal Sues State After Being fired For Right Of Center Views.

--New Data Shows That Rhode Island Is Most Infected Place In The World.


There are a lot of things that Americans just don’t know much or anything about, but overreact to it anyhow. People overreacted to the electoral college Bruhaha, which was basically because of wo one the election. No problem tis year. It is actually a brilliant concept designed for fairness alone. That enables all Americans opt have a voice. And lately we have a new controversy arising about Bidens pick as the first Black Defense Secretary. Now the controversy is the result of the fact that at one time it was considered a good idea that Congress created a law “Because of America’s nervousness of giving the military too much power.” That the SoD should be a civilian, or that any general would only be nominated after 10 years of retirement, after being amply exposed to civilian life. So, now if this obviously good man is rejected there will be howls of because he is black. And too many Americans just don’t know… or don’t want to know. Hey, shouldn’t Joe have known? Wasn’t he in Congress in 1947?


“We are all a part of every person we have ever met.” --ALT


Btw, for those who may howl at this Tidlet, I know that Mattiss and Marshall received congressional wavers. But, that doesn’t mean we should continue flaunting the law.


One of things I like about Hanakkah is that I can’t make a typo when typing it. As many of you who have read his mess over the years, I have found over 33 acceptable spelling variations. So, Happy Chanukah!


My favorite performances on Monday’s The Voice were Jim Ranger, Carter Rubin, John Holiday and probably Ian Flanagan. I like Ben Allen quite a bit but didn’t think he had the right song for the big night where a spot in the finals was the prize. Ditto Baily Rae, the great classic Country singer who was stuck with Georgia on my Mind. I didn’t think she would be among the final five, but it would have given her a chance ot sing like what she sang in the sing-off – “Your Cheatin’ heart.” After Carter and Ranger, my absolute favorite at of the night was the trio of Ben, Ian and Tamara singing “Tulsa Time.” So, for next week most of my favorites got in: The final five is Carter, Jim Ranger, Ian Flanagan, John Holiday and DeSz, From what I’ve been reading, it appears that Carter will win it all. But one of the most interesting voices and genuinely creative, is John Holiday.


“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier’,”


Many democrats like to say that what the founders had in mind for then are not relevant to now, and we have to adjust tour thinking to meet the times. That is like saying old fashioned ideas against like saying that the idea of stealing, murdering and lying are no longer relevant in today’s society. What was then was establishing basic principles or an orderly, civilized society, setting up sound principles from which solid foundations are built. Every time we chip away, we Experience a little crumbling.


This is interesting. Tesla had a record close at $650/share on Wednesday. JP Morgan’s analyst Ryan Brinkman just advised clients not to increase their investment and set a new price target at $90! Say What? This reflects concerns on WS for the pace of the electric carmaker’s meteoric rise tat added 660% to the share price; more than a half trillion dollars value he says, “in our view and by every conventional metric it is not just overvalued, but dramatically so,” It is trading at 1,325 times its long term PE multiple and 291 times its 2020 estimate. This is interesting for many reasons but mainly to me it maybe a reflection of a lot of stocks being over bought in an economy that is basically living on large doses of hope.  


It seems to this observer that a lot of these “First Black this or thats are half white or biracial. Does that make sense?


Will more potential illegal immigrants be arriving at our southern borders now that Biden is in?


Could Government officials be any more Grinchier than now when they have decided to limit businesses during the annual most important, make it or break it three-week sales period of the year? Why not just wait and close down after selling season is over? Businesses would get a double bonus because if closed they would be unable to accept the rush to return Christmas gifts.


RI is he most infected pace in the world. Think about that for a minute, Finally, RI is first in something. Good news, but it doesn’t look like anybody will be inviting me for Christmas dinner.


The Answer:

The ten most famous poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson are #10 – Locksley Hall which is followed by The Eagle and then Moving towards # one we have Tears, Idle Tears; Tithonus; Break, Break, Break; The Lady Of Shalott; Crossing The Bar; The Charge of the Light Brigade; Ulysses and at #1 In Memoriam A.H.H.


“If you don’t concentrate on what you are doing then the thing that you are doing is not what you are T thinking.”  --ALT


Sometimes in our daily life we forget people like Alfred. We may think an English poet laureate is too deep for me, I’m just a simple person who likes my Tv. But he has some pretty genuine thoughts you see. thoughts not that far beyond me. maybe I’ve been overlooking too much in my life.


Maybe I’ll listen to the birthday boy, Beethoven, as I sign off for another day. I always looked at this Moonlight Sonata as song that might be played perhaps for two in love sitting at a candlelit diner in a little out of the way cafe.



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