Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 19, 2024

Brain clogging.


Today's Tids Issue 5,600 



Well. The Dem Convention starts today, Since I barky watched my Repubs, its highly unlikely I will watch this event, even with the lure of speakers like Bill and Hill and Barack and Michelle tempting me. God, shoot me. Will they ever go away. I have a feeling I won't miss much as the media is likely to keep me enthusiastically informed. 


Is it pure luck or well calculated strategy that we will be seeing Kamala Harris take center stage this week? 


You don't know what it is like to go through life with Cheeto dust grit on your hands. Out dam spot 


I will never understand what kind of people go to a beautiful place in this country and leave behind trash.  


The Question: 

They just announced the safest NFL Stadiums. What are they? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Higher Through Mid Afternoon; Awaiting Powell, Again; Corporate Exec “Recession” Mentions at Three Year Low. 

--DNC Convention Begins; Joe to Add to Enthusiasm; Anti Israel protests to Abound. 

--Blinken Back in Israel; Says it Could be Last Chance for Peace. 

--Violent Storm Sinks 183 Foot L Yacht off of Palermo Italy; 15 of 22 on Board Rescued from Life Raft; two Known Dead; Two Americans Among the Missing 

--Father of Liberal Talk, Phil Donahue, dies at age 88. 


I liked politics better when Mary Matalin was spokesperson for my party. 


Is the no taxes on tips proposal just a devious government ploy to reduce social security costs.  


Tchaikovsky’s romantic theme from his Romeo and Juliet is very nice and well known, but I personally like the Berlioz version better.  

I watched a deer jumping over a stone wall in my brick yad area and it was a nice morning sensation. 


“Cattle calls” are when producer or directors send out invitations for actors to audition for a part. I'm thinking that TikTok is just one big Cattle call with entertainer hopefuls putting out all their best, and worst for the world to see,  


People still do the same things; they just do it differently.  


My guess that two pretty safe businesses to start up would be centered around promising good results for Pet owners and Golfers. These aficionados will buy anything 


You have to wonder how many golfers enjoy telling the truth on their tombstones' -- “6" under”. 


I wonder if August Tids were always so dull or is it just me gettign older. Nah, it’ s got to be August.  


The Answer: 

The ratings factors include Violent Crime Ratings, Fan Behavior and Crime Index, The Safest stadium is New England’s Gilette. (Must be because of the Safety razor, Haha) Next is Green Bay followed by the NJMetro when the Jets Play and Next NJ Matro when the Giants' play ,Number five is Buffalo, followed by Dallas, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Tampa Bay, LA Chargers, Miami, LA Rams, San Fran, Baltimore, Arizona, New Orleans Cleveland. Philly, Kansas City, Carolina, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Tennessee Atlanta, Seattle, Minn, Jax, Denver, Houston, and least safe, Detroit. 


Slow down, Its August. 

Brain clogging.  

Issue 5,600 


Well. The Dem Convention starts today, Since I barky watched my Repubs, its highly unlikely I will watch this event, even with the lure of speakers like Bill and Hill and Barack and Michelle tempting me. God, shoot me. Will they ever go away. I have a feeling I won't miss much as the media is likely to keep me enthusiastically informed. 


Is it pure luck or well calculated strategy that we will be seeing Kamala Harris take center stage this week? 


You don't know what it is like to go through life with Cheeto dust grit on your hands. Out dam spot 


I will never understand what kind of people go to a beautiful place in this country and leave behind trash.  


The Question: 

They just announced the safest NFL Stadiums. What are they? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Higher Through Mid Afternoon; Awaiting Powell, Again; Corporate Exec “Recession” Mentions at Three Year Low. 

--DNC Convention Begins; Joe to Add to Enthusiasm; Anti Israel protests to Abound. 

--Blinken Back in Israel; Says it Could be Last Chance for Peace. 

--Violent Storm Sinks 183 Foot L Yacht off of Palermo Italy; 15 of 22 on Board Rescued from Life Raft; two Known Dead; Two Americans Among the Missing.  

--Father of Liberal Talk, Phil Donahue, dies at age 88. 


I liked politics better when Mary Matalin was spokesperson for my party. 


Is the no taxes on tips proposal just a devious government ploy to reduce social security costs.  


Tchaikovsky’s romantic theme from his Romeo and Juliet is very nice and well known, but I personally like the Berlioz version better.  

I watched a deer jumping over a stone wall in my brick yad area and it was a nice morning sensation. 


“Cattle calls” are when producer or directors send out invitations for actors to audition for a part. I'm thinking that TikTok is just one big Cattle call with entertainer hopefuls putting out all their best, and worst for the world to see,  


People still do the same things; they just do it differently.  


My guess that two pretty safe businesses to start up would be centered around promising good results for Pet owners and Golfers. These aficionados will buy anything.  


You have to wonder how many golfers enjoy telling the truth on their tombstones' -- “6" under”. 


I wonder if August Tids were always so dull or is it just me gettign older. Nah, it’ s got to be August.  


The Answer: 

The ratings factors include Violent Crime Ratings, Fan Behavior and Crime Index, The Safest stadium is New England’s Gilette. (Must be because of the Safety razor, Haha) Next is Green Bay followed by the NJMetro when the Jets Play and Next NJ Matro when the Giants' play ,Number five is Buffalo, followed by Dallas, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Tampa Bay, LA Chargers, Miami, LA Rams, San Fran, Baltimore, Arizona, New Orleans Cleveland. Philly, Kansas City, Carolina, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Tennessee Atlanta, Seattle, Minn, Jax, Denver, Houston, and least  safe, Detroit. 


Slow down, Its August. 













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