Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,591 

I need a simple melody: 


The wagons are circling 

Crass insults are hurdling 

But I gotta get-away’, 

Cause my stomach is gurgling. 


If all modern politics has become is character assignation, we will only be assured that we will have future leaders with assonated character.  


Celebrity deer hang out at Starbucks 


The Question: 

In 1782 George Washington created the first US Military Decoration called, “Badge of Military Merit". What is it called today? 


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Rebounding. 

--Kam and Tim Bounding into Campaign. 

--Disney Streaming Makes First Profit to Compensate for Lagging Parks Revenue.  

--Debby rebuilding Strength in Atlantic Before Making Second Carolina Landfall. 

--Abortions Up After SC moved Decision Making Back to States. 



Celebrity Slugs and Dangerous Social media. Department: 

No doubt Serena Williams is a superb athlete, one of the best of all time. But unfortunately, she played the celebrity game, and she condemned an entity that wouldn't play along. She and her family showed up at a famed Paris restaurant, rated at the highest level. She was told there was no room for her at the inn. How insulting! She apparently was so incensed that she thought it wise to send a mindless Tweet (Or “X”) to her millions of sycophants condemning the restaurant for denying she and her children the opportunity to barge in. Obviously, she enraged some fans who came to her support. Fortunately, there were many others who understand rational behavior and said she was in the wrong. Now the restaurant was forced to respond with the facts to rehabilitate their reputation which they never should have found diminished in the first place. The fact was that the bar area tables were completely filled and reserved, while the more formal dining area, which appeared empty, was fully reserved and had been for days. Yes, reserved by people looking for a pleasant evening without having to be worried about being snubbed by a management fawning over a precious celebrity. But this little Tidlet is really not about defective celebrity moral codes but about how dangerous social media has become where a great reputation can be dashed in seconds – a kid in a school, worker in a business, any person or entity at the highest level. Anybody. In the twinkling of an eye. 


There are two things I hate -- Hypocrisy and condescension. Do you understand what I mean? 


AI isn't a bust, the markets are just becoming realistic 


I wonder how many people in the new instant delivery age create illnesses they don't have by misinterpreting computer delivered blood tests results before the doctor has a chance to explain what it means 


Too much information is a big problem in America today. And the reckless spreading of it is a bigger problem. 


It’s good to see Corporation are getting away from wokism and selling their products because they taste good or work better than another product.  


A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months. The woman asked the doctor about her baby. Doctor: You had twins, a boy and a girl. They’re both fine. And, your brother named them for you. Woman: No No No! Not my brother. He’s an idiot! What did he name the girl?  
Doctor: Denise. Woman: Ohh, that’s actually a nice name. What about the boy? Doctor: deeply sighs Denephew. 


I'm still laughing. 


The Answer: 

The medal today is the Purple Heart. At its inception it was awarded “to recognize heroic acts by soldiers including those that were essential to the Continental Army”. 


Let’s hear it for the medal winners of history. 


A little thought for today: 







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