Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 5, 2024

“...must go up,” Right?


Today's Tids Issue 5,579 

Color me Red: 


Double Yikes! Around August I typically say, way it til the big boys come back to Wall Street after vacation and everything will be straightened out. What’s been happening today and last week doesn't look like a blip to me.  


Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield may be seriously situated on the left side of the progressive political spectrum, but they gave us cookie dough ice cream.  


In the next weeks to come, you will be treated to the observations of the Tids roving food reporter., We’ll call it tempting, tasty Tids. 


The weird new NFL kick-off rule leads you to believe that sports have been put the hands of people who hate sports.  


Kamala’s not in the basement like Joe but Press Conferences may be as rare as a Siberian nudist colony in winter. Somebody might be hiding something.  


The Question: 

What are considered the best types of dips? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Experience Huge Drops for Third Day; Gloomier Outlook for US Economy has Investors Selling off; Tesla an Apple Among big Losers; Mega Seven Techs Could Lose $500 Billion in Market value. 

--US Airbase in Iraq Hit by Rockets. 

--Judge Rules That Alphabet Parent of Google Broke US Antitrust Rules. 

--Hurricane Debby Hits Florida,  


A couple of guys and I were sitting around drinking diet cokes or lemonades after early golf. The question of Kamala arose, and we were analyzing her improvement in the polls mainly organically due to the nature of political enthusiasm following the drop out of Joe. We also noted that her numbers should continue to improve after the conventions. We noted it is likely Trump will more than ever need the fringe republican vote now on the fence because of some of his personal actions.  A guy we didn't know speaks up from across the room, “Trump will win in a land slide:”. We suggested that overconfidence can kill the golden goose. Another of our band of political analysts said, “He isn’t a nice Man” The devout Trump follower said, “I'll give you that.” Then he said, what did you think of the Olympics golf.  


When I heard Oxygen and Magnesium were dating, I was OMG! 


There was a question last week in golfing circles about whether Scottie Scheffler or Xander Schaufele should be golfer of the year. Whatever the choice at the time, there was sure to be controversy. But Scottie settled it yesterday with is incredible comeback victory for the Gold Medal in Paris. But it was good to see Tommy Fleetwood hang in there for the silver.  


Mighty Intel is having some problems. They are behind in the AI race. They laid off 15,000 people last week. Intel received $8.3 Billion from Joe B's self-touted chip making revival Handout. One reason to change parties at the top – too many handouts. 


You know they are scurrying at DNC headquarters as the stocks plunge due to “A weakening of the US Economy” That is a potential stake in the heart of Kamala's’ chances. So, if anybody is lobbying Jay Powell for a rate cut you know it is Obama and his henchmen,  


There is little I like more than the smell of salty air in the breeze. Bare feet squishy in the ocean sand; watching sandpiper's scurry 


When you go into an overcrowded restaurant full of people paying highly inflated prices for sometimes not so hot food, you have to wonder who is being affected by the slowdown in the US economy.  


The general consensus is that Trump has personality issues, and that inexperienced Kamala is in way over her head. Except for the fanatical followers on either side. And that is where the news people get their information.  


The market is scary but not as potentially scary as what many people feel is just around the corner. Iran retaliation against Israel – the expansion of the Middle East conflicts. 


Personally, I believe it is handy to have White Castle Sliders in the freezer at all times. For me it is gourmet dining in 80 seconds. Everybody has their own definitions.  


Of course. it pays to keep supplies of Tums nearby.  


Is summer over yet?  


Dreamers are always free. But can they ever be what their hopeful eyes see. 


One of the great things about doctors' appointments is that it gives you something to do when you get older.  


The Answer: 

Ok Number one was Salsa. Next is Avocado, followed by Nacho Cheese, Ranch Dressing, Ketchup, Spinach Dip, Hummus. Marinara Sauce, Barbecue and Sour Cream. I remember when Lipton's Onions soup mix/sour cream dip was the end all.  


I'd call this a bad day, that is if I only paid attention to the financial and world news. Actually, I enjoyed it quite a bit. 

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