Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Playing Possum.


Today's Tids Issue 5,597
Beware of honking in the night:

Today represents
the celebration the end of the war in the Pacifica with Japan surrounding. It was a brutal war with difficult battles on isolated islands and kamikaze pilots along the way. The truth was that it was a vicious no hold barred enemy where though total deaths and casualties were lower in the Pacific than in Europe, the death rate was much higher per battle. Yes, it is a big day ot celebrate the end of war where 60,000,000 military and civilians were killed. It's easy to rewrite history when you didn't live it.


According to Ziggy this morning, “Being Paranoid makes a lot more sense than it used to.”


I remember the 1940’s and Cape Cod sands. Where you could dance at the Saturday bandstand. Where beaches were empty, except for a fisherman or two, living in small bayside shacks, with tales that mesmerized of Germans on attack. I remember surf before hurricanes roared with no lifeguards around, and of course fifteen cent movies in our small theater downtown. It was quieter then, and much less was built. But it still retains those comfortable, charming scenes found on a colorful patchwork quilt.  


I really hate it when Politicians use the lame excuse, “I Misspoke”. Politicians never misspeak. They underestimate the intelligence of regular people and get caught trying to get away with some fabrication  Mispeak is so weak.  


The Question:

Where was the official document of Japanese surrender signed? And what American gave a short speech.


The Headlines:

--Wall Street in Wait-For-CPI Mode Early; CPI Comes in At Expectations Slightly Higher than June, Higher than Feds 2% Objective,   


I just realized that I have never eaten a corndog. How great is that -- something to look forward to. Just when you think you have done it all, opportunity knicks. Never give up.


In World War II when the US troops were advancing towards Saipan, Japanese military leadership told regular citizens that Americans would eat their Children. I don't think even Dems would say something like that about Trump. Or have they already said that in another way.


Did you hear see that story in the news today about evidence of a potential for AI to organize a coup? Waymo formerly part of Google is a driverless car used for deliveries it seems around San Fran. They are stored in a large parking lot at night. But there is a problem If one senses something unusual moving, in response it honks its horn.  The rest of them hearing that, start honking too. And it goes on all night long in unison, like a pod of whales discussing krill availability. A technical miscue, or a planned takeover of San Fran if Kamala wins.  


The Olympics were well watched this year. NBC Execs are doing the old gleeful back slapping thing as they find this year's ratings for Paris are up 82% over 4 years ago in Tokyo – Daily average viewership 30.6 million versus 16.9. It is possible that streaming had something to do with it. And also, perhaps, the magic of Paris. Or maybe, their advertising and promoting department.


Speaking of 2020 versus 2024, it appears Dem strategists are employing again the tried and true formula that gave us Biden – Play Dumb.


I said to a friend, “Hey I got you a nice wispy Willow tree you might enjoy,” “Well, said my friend, “That is nice, i have a beautiful maple for you so you can enjoy its changing colors.” My mom asked, "What were you two doing?” “We were exchanging pleasant trees.” (Thanks to Pearls before swine)  


Do you get the feeling that Joe B will just be giving away ne for teh next five months. We'll be broke by inauguration day.  


The Answer:

The Official Document was aboard the US Missouri on Septemebr 2, 1945. Genral Douglas MacArthur said: “As I look back on the long, tortuous trail from those grim days of Bataan and Corregidor, when an entire world lived in fear, when democracy was on the defensive everywhere, when modern civilization trembled in the balance, I thank a merciful God that he has given us the faith, the courage, and the power from which to mold victory. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph, and from both we have learned there can be no turning back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we won in war.”


Have a great remembrance, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!

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