Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, August 2, 2024

Change happens.


Today's Tids Issue 5,579 

Highs End: 


One thing we should be aware of is that there will be some very cleverly written hoaxes defaming both candidates. Many will sound real and believable. But often almost too good to be true. Ah, the credibility of modern-day politics. 


I thought chiropractors were a big hoax. But I stand corrected. 


If you think now is uncomfortably different from ten years ago, wait until three years for now. 


The Question: 

How do boomers change a lightbulb? 


The Headlines 

--Markets in Meatgrinder for Second Day; Blood in the water for Bears; New Jobs Report Shows Anemic Additions; Fear Is that Fed Waited too Long; Unemployment Rate Rises to Highest Point in 3 Years. 

--Apple Bucks Market’s Downward Trend with Reasonable Earnings and Revenue Report; Amazon Doesn't. 

--In July Fundraising, Haris Gets $310 Million Versus Trump with $138 Mil; Trump Total Cash Reserves is $327; KH wins in Three new Polls --; RCI Averages Lowers Trump Lead Margin from 3.1 1.4 


Nice ot see the captive Americans coming home, but somehow, I feel it most for Paul Whalen ow n many times must have felt forgotten, 


Now that Twitter has become X, you don't get tweets, you get excretions.  


Kamala is cutting into Trump’s lead mainly off of the enthusiasm for the announcement of somebody else other than Biden. And I expect she will improve more after the convention numbers are in. That is when Trump has to get going. There is really nothing he can do now with this kind of natural momentum. Except hurt himself n by saying something stupid.  



NBC Nightly news looks like the Simone Biles Reality Show. But CBS wishes they had it. Around New England NBC Anchor Lester Holt ratings were twice that of Nora O’Donnell. Nationally, she was number three with 4 Mill. Ahead of her there were David Muir with 6.9 and Lester Holt with 5.5. The rumor mis that Nira wanted a raise, and the management said something like, are you kidding us.”  


It was announced yesterday that a powerful Media combo a of Disney, Warner’s Discovery and fox have created an all sprots streaming network called Venue. It costs $43 a month and was created to reach the youngest of the generations, who only watch on what they can hold in their hands. The network has deals with the bigs like NFL and NBA, and those deals don’t come cheap. So, the point here is get ready for changes you can't imagine. The markets used to follow the whims s and needs of Boomers but now iy’s  kids with digital things 


How many Apple engineers does it take to change a lightbulb? None. They no longer make that socket, you just buy a new house. 


Scones are one of the great underrated pastries. 


The Answer: 

They don’t, they just keep talking about how great the old one was. 


Fortunately, I'm too old to be a boomer. 


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


And for all of you had to sit and watch the stock markets crumble today, I offer this: 








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