Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, August 9, 2024

Time out.


Today's Tids Issue 5,593 

Getting Lost: 


Pavlov's dogs have started a charity for holiday giving. It's called "The Salivation Army" 


Wall Street should take today off and let the stock markets breathe quietly on their own for three days. Turmoil more than likely begets turmoil that often becomes more exasperated when humans get into the act. So, a little rest is often the best solution.  


Up here in RI, it is a three-day Weekend as the State still tries to celebrate VJ day though minimizing it to a generic “Victory Day”. It's a huge day in US history, world History and it is actually officially on August 15. The Tids opinionators will be there next Thursday,  


i was in Jerusalem for a holiday. Needing my cuppa of java i wandered into a cafe and was served by a male barista. I found it odd that there were no female Baristas so i made it a point to keep a lookout for them across the holy land. From Starbucks to coffee club, from hipster cafes to neighborhood coffeehouses, not a female barista could be found. Perplexed by this, i finally asked the Jewish barista at the starbucks at the airport when i was about to leave. He thought about it for a moment, shrugged his shoulders and said simply: Hebrews. 


When you get older there is nothing to take time off from. For me staying away from holiday traffic is the treat. 


The Question: 

What is Africa’s Richest City: Bonus: What are the five richest cities in the world rated by number of millionaires? 


The Headlines: 

--The Markets Expect to End Week Higher 

--Iran Beefs Up Cyber Attacks Targeting US Elections. 

--Ukraine Launches Massive Drone Attack in Russia Lipetsk Region; Russai Struggling After Four Days of Incursion. 

--New RCP Poll Average has it Harris 47.6, Trump 47.1. Harris wins 8 of the 13 Polis in the Average. 

--Iran Kees World Guessing as it Mulls Revenge Attack. 


Swifties are crying in the streets of Europe over the cancellations of the terror threatened Concert series. But they are not crying as much as those in the boardrooms of Insuranc companies who have to pay off on the cancellations 


Isn’t it interesting how the media gets bored with little things... like the Ukraine war,  


My wife went on holiday to a tropical island with her friends. My friend asked, “Jamaica?" "No, she went of her own accord." 


Tasty Tid Bits, Department: 

Of it is French and it has onions it must be,,, or is it? Our roving taste testing reporters writes, “For the last few months, I have experienced a specific craving for French onion soup. My sister reminded me how odd this craving was because I had never actually tasted French onion soup before, but in my head, I knew it was good. Fast forward, she cooked it for dinner one night, and I was correct: French onion soup is good. Satisfied but still yearning, I went searching for a restaurant version. Version is the right word. I found a distant cousin, or brother-in-law, perhaps, with the same satisfaction quotient. -- The French Dip Sandwich; eating soup with oyur hands. Its a sandwich with caramelized onions, Swiss cheese, crunchy bread, and a soup-like broth for dipping: Au Jus. Yes, almost identical to French onion soup, and it was calling my name. 


Considering the fingernails on a blackboard tone of voice of the two major presidential candidates, speeches are going to feel cringe worthy at times.  



We decided to install our carpet ourselves, so it was comforting and confidence-building when the carpet company owner reminded us of key element of carpet installation: “Fuzzy side up”. It worked.  



I find myself regularly repeating to myself these days, “Kamala is the best America can do for the first woman president in the History of a great nation? Yes, folks, we are in decline. That entire thought just flabbergasts me. 



It was fun last night watching the NFL again. Now Patriot fans are going overboard after an exciting display of football from the Pats fourth QB Joe Milton. And I have to say he was exciting and amazing at times. But he was playing against the Panthers players most likely to be cut. Sorry for being so parochial, folks. 


A photon went on holiday. When checking in at the airport... The  
Check In agent asked. "Do you have any luggage sir?" "No," answered the Photon, “I'm travelling light" 


I know I have probably said this before, but I can’t think of exposing my life to strangers on the internet.  


The next presidential candidate who interrupts my life with a text cleverly disguised as a friendly note to lower my defenses will lose my vote. Hey, they both are doing it. Maybe this is the year I won't vote – after 15 presidential elections, holding nose or not. Now, that is sad. But maybe that is the new America. The people certainly didn't vote in Kamala.  



The Answer: 

The richest city in Africa is Johannesburg SA. Bonus: NYC has 349,500 millionaires and 60 Billionaires. Next is “The Bay Area” (SF et al) 305,700, Tokyo 296,300, and then Singapore 244.800 and London 227,000. Going up to 20 we have LA, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Sydney, Chicago, Toronto, Frankfort, Zurich, Houston, Seoul, Melbourne, Paris, Geneva and Dubai.  


Somehow owning a studio apartment can make you a millionaire in NYC.  


The new cooking aid app “eStirisn’t a holiday. Oh nooooo> 


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


Anybody in NYC can be a millionaire: 



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