Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What happened to subtle.


Today's Tids Issue 5,606 

Beyond what the man wants: 


On these wistful August days 

That signals Summer’s ends. 

Yet you know that nothing changes 

Because you always have good friends. 


Happy Nvidia Day! Or is it? 


The Tids resourceful TPL not only keeps us laughing with good and occasionally somewhat suspect groaners, it turns out he is also quite the news hound. Just yesterday sent in this item: “A reporter was charged with a 'Hate Criem' after asking Kamala Harris a question.” 


The Question: 

Nearly 200,000 votes were cast to rate the TV networks with the best shows. Name the top Ten 


The Headlines: 

--Markets down as Option Buyers Race to Alleviate FOMO angst on Nvidia; Consumer Confidence Level Ticks Up August Over July. 

--Special Counsil Works New Trump Indictment Around Supreme Court Immunity Ruling.  

--Debate Issues: Arguments Continue Over Muted/Unmuted Mikes During Debate; Kamala for Unmuted, Trump Happy with Muted. 

--Israel Increases Attacks on West Bank; 9 Palestinians Killed in Latest.  


The Paralympics beginning tonight in Paris may be the greatest sporting event of them all. 


Carbon Capture may be the newest buzz word to shake America. If it takes off, you'll be happy you held onto your fossil fuel stocks. CCS is the anacronym for   Carbon Capture and Stroage. It is deigned to capture CO2 from fossil burning and store it where it can't contribute to Warming. :An aggressive CCS Campaign could avert most of the damage from climate change without having to convert most of our fossil fuel plants and vehicles to run on clean sources of energy.” Companies like GE, Chevron and Occidental petroleum are investing heavily in a Technolgy that could make a lot of common sense over a rush to judgment panic moves to inefficient power sources.  


Another big systemic issue is the cost of college. Americans are beginning to learn, painfully, that the ROI just isn't there for a large block of post high school students. There are many other opportunities for learning trades and professions, and there still will be kegs of beer available nearby. Add a prestige factor to making the right choices for you and the cultural tarnishing of no degree achievers will fade. A big initial in such a paradigm post HS change felt by a lot of small colleges even now barely hanging on financially as fewer students apply. Of course, many of them will find new life by niching their programs defined professions. Thye just have to get over the culture shock and suck it up to face reality; create a new aura for their souls. 


Yesterday I jokingly complained about the depth of punnyness in a Tids Punster Laureate contribution. He responded: “...with apology to Don Quixote: 

“To pun the impossible pun. 

To fight the unbeatable groan". 


A pun is mature when it’s full groan. 


I know people who shop at Kohls and often after specials and sales and coupons they store pays them to walk out with arms loaded with merchandise. And yes, the giveaway strategy must be working because they had great earnings reports this morning.  


Speaking of retail. I walk though these giant stores and wondwer what percentage of those massive inventories they actually sell.  


The NFL Football brothers Kelse just signed a Three Year, $100 Million deal with Amazon’s “Wondery” Network for their Podcast called “New Heights”. Do I still live on this planet? 


Just in case you are interested, 180 million people now listen to podcasts. That’s a lot of people but there is definitely no fear of missing out here. Maybe I should read the Tids on a podcast. But first I'll have to find a celebrity to date so I can reach the ideal necessary level of panache. 


The more I see the way the world is churning culturally I realize that becoming aware in the archaic past i wasn't deprived of anything.  


I thought Ariana Grande was a font. 


Today I'm going to clean my car and take a shower. Things should look better around here. 


RCP (Real Clear Politics) asks three key questions that could determine the winner in November. 1. What happens when the Thrill over Kamala displacing Joe B wears off. There was a huge bump in excitement following the Dem’s move away from a near death situation with the Incumbent 2. Will Trump Outperform his Poll Numbers as he did in 2016 and 2020?  Part of that is how many people this time aren't saying who they like or are still unsure. 3. Has Trump’s Electoral Advantage receded. This coudl eb  the big question as it appears the last congressional elections showed rural voters are no longer a lock for Repubs. Something to consider as you try to figure out the number's games. Especially when so many people in politics today make up numbers. 


Why do cows have bells? Their horns don’t work. 


I try to get into AGT but the incessant chatter of the judges and the overhyped mediocre talent drives me away every night. And there are some acts worth seeing if you can stand the mayhem.  


The Answer: 

Number One is HBO followed by Netflix, AMC, FX, NBC, Disney, Fox Hulu, CBS and Amazon.  


Time to drift into chores. It's nice when you get to that stage in life when drifting is an acceptable way of life. 









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