Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dripping with superficiality.


Today's Tids Issue 5,602 

Keep me safe, that's all: 


I love these cool mornings. Waking to feel the vibrancy of crisping air; giving me the energy to take me anywhere.  


And as I feel this positive change, the weather people are saying gleefully to the folks, don't worry about this cold streak, it will be summery hot this weekend. Spare me. 


Butterflies just aren’t what they used to be. 


The Headline in the NY Times and other media this morning was “Obamas deceiver a speech of unity!” For whom? 


In Italy, “Scampi” means shrimp. In America it means garlic. 


The damn Cloud seems to be drifting in and out this morning and it is ruining the continuity of my thought process. 


Maybe local governments should move overseas so we can get the costs down for taxpayers.  


The Question: 

Who was Arthur Eldred of Oceanside NY? Bonus: In what years did Hawaii and Alaska become states? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Open Higher; Optimism Buoyed by Strong Profits form TJ Maxx and Target, Despite Losses by Marcy's; Investers Nervously Treading Water Waiting for Powell and Late End of Week Employment Data. 

--US Bureau Of Labor Employment Report Revision has March Number  Falling by 880,000. 

--US Judge Stikes Down Biden's Ban on "No Compete” Clauses. 

--Obamas Highlight Speakers At DNC. 

--Blinken Says Israel has Agreed to Cease Fire Guidelines. 

--Ford Revises EV Strategy; Cancels Electric SUV. 

--Five Bidies Retrieved from Sunken Mega Yacht. 


As commercial office space rentals decline dramatically in cities from east to west politicians are asking Developers to convert them to housing. Do politicians have any idea what it takes in the real world to accomplish their promises of Nirvana.   


Btw, the banking industry didn't find Nirvana in lending to Musk to buy Twitter, Now X The value of the company has dropped from $4 Billion to $12 billion primarily because of Musks strategic changes that had users walking. That left the biggest banks in America holding loans they wanted to sell elsewhere. The Tweeters walked and the secondary loaners balked. 


BBC News fact checked 6 key Kamala positions from SS to abortion and found them suspect or mischaracterized at best. With her and most office seekers, it is politics as usual. No return to honesty here. (Check BBC News.) 


My opinion says that alternative energy is inflationary. No company in the free market would pursue wind power and solar as cost efficient ways to deliver power to the pocketbook strapped consumers. It needs Government bucks to succeed and government infusions tend to be inflationary. No bidy whatches costs when moneyis free. 


A waffle’s a evil twin is his alter Eggo. 


KH is going to ban price gouging. Wgat a political pl!oy. Is she gating to ban price gouging by colleges and universities? Supermarkets are low margin operations, and they are not gouging, but big entities like them are easy to define to gullible consumers ina campaign of poetical deceit.   


Apparently, the Trump organization have come out with some serious misinformation in the form of Artificial Intelligence created photos mischaracterizingSwifties” support for him implying Taylor Swift is all for the developer. Nothing could be further from  the truth. And ironically it was posted on “Truth” Social. And people wonder why I don't write as much about political news anymoreY Too many of the paths that look like the truth end at cliffs.  


What do you call an explosive monkey? Baboom. 


Good political orators create deep emotions, so the average voter doesn't hear the fallacies in their basic propositions. 


North Korea has no Soule. 


So basically, talking about Politics is centered around emotional vote getting issues. But beyond their noise, rapid heartbeats and tears, there are serious problems in the US. To name a few we have out of control national debt, questions of military preparedness, and darkening of world comfort, looming giant nations and their allies who hate us. That's what I worry about.  


My winter fat is gone, but now I have spring rolls. 


Target took crime measures into their own hands and managed turn huge theft losses into a good profit. They closed 7 stores NY’ Harlem and high crime areas of Oakland, San Fran, and Portland Oregon.; They have put locked cases in stores where smash and grab was prevalent. And to achieve this commonsense decision they had to fight politicians who tried to minimize the criminal act of stealing.  


Northeast politicians like our former governor conveniently forget that the reason the factories closed and moved south from cities and towns and villages around these seven or eight states was because they couldn't meet the demands of unions. And BTW they only went overseas, when the unions moved down there too. Trying to make an honest profit for shareholders and products that people can afford isn't greed, its reality. 


The opposite of croissant is a happy uncle. 


That said, I will say some of these new money buyout deals gobbling up viable companies are often sucked dry for a few and great old institutions just die.  


Macy's to me looks like it is on its last legs. Department store sales declines are just a part of digital living. Some old stores deal with it well and others don't 


The Answer: 

Arthur in 1912 became the first ever Eagle Scout. Let's hear it for Arthur Eldred. Bonus: Alaska became the 49th state on January 3 1959 and Hawaii number 50 on August 21, 1959. That's 65 years ago and I still consider them new! But then I consider 1980 yesterday. 


Happy 83rd Birthday to one of the first great woman Rock songwriters, Jackie Deshannon. "What the world needs now is Love sweet Love” and "Put a little love in your Heart" are two songs that were hits   for her also as a singer. As the writer of "When you walk in the room” and "Betty Davis Eyes” she created hits for The Searchers and Kim Carnes. 

I like the motonin f THis JD song: 





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